Bristol, United Kingdom
Environmental Humanities
06 July - 26 July 2025
10.0 EC
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Environmental Studies
08 July - 19 July 2013
0.0 EC
6000 SEK
If you are concerned about where your food comes from, what’s in it (or on it), or simply interested in how organic can contribute to benefit our shared environment, promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved, then this course might be for you.
Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and natural cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of chemical inputs with adverse effects.
Hosted at Skillebyholm, a horticultural training centre with a tradition of organic and biodynamic agriculture, this course will give you a chance to experience the joy of working with living, organic soils and crops, as well as understanding the principles and practices behind the method of maintaining them. All course topics will be covered both theoretically and experientially.
You will also have an opportunity to meet and interact with local growers and farmers who have dedicated their lives to organic production methods.
The current state of agriculture globally
Cost of Organic
Current distribution system of food
Organic certification-what are the standards
Soil science – What is living in the soil?
Building healthy soil
Different composting techniques
Crop rotation
GMO/GE seeds & plants
Organic vegetable gardening
Natural pest management
Nutrient cycles
Different land management techniques (eg. Ecological Recycling Agriculture)
The role of animals on a farm
Manures, and natural fertilizers
*This course will be taught in English
Coordinator: Daniel Hörberg Björklund
Future farmers, especially aspiring young farmers, small land holders, anyone interested in organic agriculture/growing and what it could offer the future
Bringing together different teachers to give a global picture, this course will be a mixture of theory, experience and hands on practice.This course aims to give participants an understanding of where we are today, and take home skills that they can apply in their respective area's of work and life.
6000 SEK, Full course fee includes all course materials, during course transport, accommodation between July 7-20 and food on all course days (Monday-Friday)
Bristol, United Kingdom
06 July - 26 July 2025
10.0 EC
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
05 July - 20 July 2025
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London, United Kingdom
30 June - 18 July 2025
7.5 EC
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