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Performing Arts, Creative Arts and Design

Invite Yourself: Solidarity Between Migration and Curation


19 August - 31 August 2024


Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts


Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts








0.0 EC


100 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Invite Yourself: Solidarity Between Migration and Curation


Who talks at exhibitions: who with whom, who about what? In times of cultural schism, this question is more relevant than ever. At any rate, it has accompanied Curatorial and Exhibition Studies from the very beginning. This is the starting-point, focusing on autobiographical research as part of curatorial praxis and supportive strategies. Students will learn self-empowerment practices in the visual arts and its archives – familiar from (post-)migratory literature.

Course leader

Gürsoy Doğtaş

Target group

People with interest in Curatorial and Exhibition studies

Course aim

Resistance to institutionalised forms of memory and their gaps is forming; solidarity is finding expression. From this perspective we will look at the archives of migration and develop strategies for engagement and research for artists who are still hardly known in the institutional mainstream. How can these artists be associated with the anti-racist struggles of the so-called migrant worker generation or present refugees? How does this legacy persist in contemporary cultural alliances? What is our role as curators and cultural workers?
On the basis of historical and contemporary exhibitions, students will learn to reflect on their own role as guest or host, as well as to translate knowledge of migrant situations into exhibitions, festivals or other cultural programmes for often "white-standardised" art institutions. How can I, as an "ethnologist of myself" (Annie Ernaux) recognise, name and reject the excluding structures of the art world? In this course, we will learn from other protagonists, initiatives for minorities, movements for solidarity – and above all, from one another. The course includes a trip to Vienna, to visit various exhibitions and archives of migration.

Fee info


100 EUR, The fees consist of the enrolment charge of € 100.– (non-refundable) and a course fee which varies according to the length of the course. Students are entitled to the reduced fee on production of a valid confirmation of enrolment at an educational institution for the 2024 summer term as well as SN-Card-holders and members of the Society of Friends of the Summer Academy.


670 EUR, 670 Euro (reduced 495 Euro)



19 August - 31 August 2024


Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts


Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts




0.0 EC

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