Tallinn, Estonia
Design of Digital Services for Health Behaviour Change
14 July - 25 July 2025
3.0 EC
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Computer Sciences
24 June - 28 June 2019
6.0 EC
250 EUR
Every year, ISTAR – Center for Research in Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture (IUL) – hosts a Summer School Program dedicated to the central themes of the ongoing multidisciplinary research which involve the areas of Science and Information Technology, Architecture, Mathematics and the recently created IoT laboratory. The Internet of Things (IoT) has been a growing field of research as humans and equipment are connected and embedded with smart technology. Considering the recent challenges in the area of smart-cities, -networks, -factories, -buildings, -home and -campus, this year, the ISTAR Summer School offers the possibility to explore the IoT in the context of smart cities, bringing together a multidisciplinary team (computer sciences, architecture and sociology) and taking advantage of the existing conditions in the IoT laboratory. The IoT laboratory is equipped for a wide range of research tasks such as acquisition and transmission of sensor data to data management platforms, visualization and data analysis platforms, thus encouraging multidisciplinary research in diverse fields of electronics, communication, security, usability, data analytics and BIM models (the data of buildings).
The Summer School program features hands-on sessions and talks by invited experts and ISCTE-IUL academic staff: Miguel Ă‚ngel Fuentes, CARTIF Kinda Al-Sayed, UCL Juan M. Navarro, UCAM Ricardo Carvalho, Axians Rui Pereira, CISCO JoĂŁo Carlos Ferreira
This Summer School is aimed for:
_ Participants that want to learn more about the use of Internet of Things in the context of Smart Cities;
_ The Summer School will be multidisciplinary so that professionals and students of several fields of knowledge may gain from participate in it, Computer Science, Architecture and Mathematics students and professionals are the main target but also other fields of knowledge engaged with Smart Cities are welcome.
The objective of this Summer School is to introduce participants to emergent computing paradigms, technologies, services and business models associated with Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities.
It also provides an overview of future trends and ongoing research in this new and fast-growing area:
_ Study the principles, research problems and applications of device, software and user mobility, as well as IoT;
_ Acquire experience with IoT technologies and operating systems;
_ Help students to develop self-study skills so that they can keep up with the rapidly changing technologies, tools and techniques in this knowledge area.
Why attend?
You should attend this Summer School, if you are interested in:
_ New challenges of Smart Cities, Smart Homes and the new range of IoT Communications (with emphasis on Lora because of the existing Cisco infrastructure)
_ Learn easily to program sensors and transmit real-time data to IoT platforms
_ Perform Data analytics over sensor data using IoT platforms to create knowledge and identify patterns
_ Data visualization
_ Interact with BIM models
_ Handle security issues on IoT
_ Interact with gamification and blockchain platforms in the context of IoT
_ Create small applied projects that can be used for Smart Home.
250 EUR, Regular Early Bird Fee (until the 27th of May). People that just want to assist the talks, (without hands-on sessions) can assist for a reduced price (7.5 up to 20€, depending on the applicable rate). Payment is done by bank transfer to the account: PT50 0035 0368 0000000 4230 55 (ISCTE Instituto Universitario Lisboa – Caixa Geral de Depósitos), Swift Code: CGDIPTPL. Only registration with payment will be considered valid.
150 EUR, Student Early Bird Fee (until the 27th of May) . Plase note that Students and alumni of ISCTE-IUL will be offered extra discount. People that just want to assist the talks, (without hands-on sessions) can assist for a reduced price (15 up to 30€, depending on the applicable rate). Payment is done by bank transfer to the account: PT50 0035 0368 0000000 4230 55 (ISCTE Instituto Universitario Lisboa – Caixa Geral de Depósitos), Swift Code: CGDIPTPL. Only registration with payment will be considered valid.
24 June - 28 June 2019
6.0 EC
Tallinn, Estonia
14 July - 25 July 2025
3.0 EC
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London, United Kingdom
30 June - 18 July 2025
7.5 EC
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Nijmegen, Netherlands
23 June - 27 June 2025
2 EC
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