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Political Science

Justice after Mass Atrocities: Truth-seeking, Retribution, Reparation


27 June - 01 July 2023


International Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies


Singidunum University








4.0 EC


480 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Justice after Mass Atrocities: Truth-seeking, Retribution, Reparation


What happens to societies after genocide and mass atrocities? How do survivors pick up their lives in the aftermath of mass killings and war crimes? Can one come to terms with mass atrocities committed against one's family and ethnic/racial group? Can one forgive and reconcile?

This course will introduce students to the field of transitional justice which is an interdisciplinary field of study focusing on processes of dealing with past human rights violations and the transition to more peaceful and democratic states. The course deals with questions that arise in countries emerging from armed conflict or from periods of authoritarian or repressive rule. It will focus on strategies available to societies in the aftermath of massive violations of human rights to re-establish the rule of law and build sustainable peace.

The course will introduce students to the evolution of transitional justice theory and practice, including truth commissions, trials and traditional practices, in such contexts as post-apartheid South Africa and post-genocide Bosnia, Cambodia, Germany and Rwanda. The course will raise a series of thought-provoking questions such as how mass atrocities affect states and their neighbors? What lessons did the UN learn from its experiences in dealing with mass atrocities? What are the pros and cons of prosecuting individuals for mass atrocities? Can multi-million international courts bring justice to survivors of war crimes?

For more information and to apply, please visit our website.

Course leader

Dr. Olivera Simić (Griffith University, Australia)

Fee info


480 EUR, Full Tuition: 480 EUR (worldwide) *Former CFCCS Summer School participants qualify for the special tuition discount. For more information and to apply, please visit our website.


250 EUR, Reduced Tuition: 250 EUR To qualify for Reduced Tuition, Summer School applicants need to be citizens of and to currently reside in one of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Israel, Kosovo, Palestine, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, and Turkey. *Former CFCCS Summer School participants qualify for the special tuition discount. For more information and to apply, please visit our website.



27 June - 01 July 2023


International Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies


Singidunum University




4.0 EC

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