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Political Science

Knowing and the Known: The Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences


17 February - 22 February 2013


ECPR Winter School in Methods & Techniques


University of Vienna






2.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Knowing and the Known: The Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences


The social sciences have long been concerned with the epistemic status of their empirical claims. Unlike in the natural sciences, where an evident record of practical success tends to make the exploration of such philosophical issues a narrowly specialized endeavour, in the social sciences, differences between the philosophies of science underpinning the empirical work of varied researchers produces important and evident differences in the kind of social-scientific work that they do. Philosophy of science issues are, in this way, closer to the surface of social-scientific research, and part of being a competent social scientist involves coming to terms with and developing a position on those issues. This course will provide a survey of important authors and themes in the philosophy of the social sciences, concentrating in particular on the relationship of the mind to the social world and on the relationship between knowledge and experience; students will have ample opportunities to draw out the implications of different stances on these issues for their concrete empirical research.

Course leader

Patrick Thaddeus Jackson American University

Target group

Advanced students and junior researchers in political science and adjacent disciplines

Course aim

as above



17 February - 22 February 2013


ECPR Winter School in Methods & Techniques


University of Vienna


2.0 EC

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