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Labor Economics


28 June - 02 July 2021


Barcelona GSE Economics Summer School


Barcelona Graduate School of Economics








0.0 EC


900 EUR


Labor related issues have been studied in the economics profession from a number of different angles. The Barcelona GSE Labor Economics Summer School covers a wide range of topics in labor economics from a variety of perspectives.

In particular, this summer school offers courses that will cover recent developments within the macro-labor and micro-labor contexts. In each course, both theoretical and empirical aspects will be covered as well as economic policy.

These courses should be of interest to graduate students or academics who want to expand their knowledge in the area and to practitioners interested in understanding the fundamentals of these issues. During the courses, faculty are available to discuss research ideas and projects with the program participants.

Week 1 (June 28 - July 2, 2021)

Economics of Education
Instructor: Derek Neal (University of Chicago)
Economics of Migration
Instructor: Joan Llull (MOVE, UAB and Barcelona GSE)
Gender Economics
Instructor: Libertad González (UPF and Barcelona GSE)
Labor Market Outcomes
Instructor: Robert Shimer (University of Chicago)

Course leader

It is directed by Maia Güell, Professor of Economics at University of Edinburgh.

Target group

Who will benefit from this program?
Given the wide range of topics covered in the courses, candidates who would benefit from the labor economics summer school include:

PhD and master students in Economics (or other social sciences) who want to further their knowledge in labor issues, or whose dissertation focuses on the labor market or related topics
Researchers and professionals from public institutions and policy-oriented institutions whose work would benefit from exposure to the latest advances in academic research of the labor market or related topics
Holders of undergraduate degrees in Economics (or other social sciences) who wish to complement their background with a comprehensive overview of the labor market from a variety of perspectives

Course aim

The goal of the Barcelona Labor Economics Summer School is to cover a wide range of topics in labor economics from a variety of perspectives.

The schedule of the Barcelona Labor Economics Summer School is designed to allow students to participate in all courses in the Competition program.

Courses can also be taken individually or in combination with courses in other BGSE Summer School programs, schedule permitting.



28 June - 02 July 2021


Barcelona GSE Economics Summer School


Barcelona Graduate School of Economics




0.0 EC


900 EUR, Regular Fee


540 EUR, Reduced Fee

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