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Law and Politics, Current Topics in the European Union


22 July - 09 August 2019


Maastricht Summer School


Maastricht University








6.0 EC


1000 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Law and Politics, Current Topics in the European Union


This course is targeted at students particularly interested in exploring the history and development of European integration. In an ever globalising world increasing interaction between states is becoming more and more important. The European Union is unique in that regard and provides an interesting topic of study for anyone interested in gaining more understanding in the ways in which European states interact politically, economically and culturally.

Within that context, students are introduced to the history and politics of the integration process, the main EU institutions and institutional processes, the nature and effect of the law of the European Union, and some of the most prominent policies of the European Union today.

More specifically, the course addresses a number of different topics starting with the history of European integration, followed by an examination of the composition, role and powers of the institutions in the European Union. Secondly, the course takes a closer look at the law of the European Union addressing issues such as the main areas of competence of the European Union, the decision-making process and the unique status of EU law within the legal systems of the Member States. In addition, some of the main policy areas of the European Union will alse be examined.

The course will include a field trip. This course is the (non-mandatory) companion course to STU2001 Study trip Western Europe in the first half of the Summer programme, which forms an excellent preparation to this course.

Course leader

S. Charitakis

Target group

This course is aimed at students majoring in Law, Political Science, and International Relations, but open to other interested students who are be able to demonstrate they meet the prerequisites. The prerequisites for participation are an introductory course in law, political science or international relations. Students should have a fundamental understanding of democratic norms, the rule of law and the functioning of state governments. Students should also have a basic understanding of the European Union as a supranational organisation, its institutions and main areas of competence. Pre-readings are available for interested students who meet the prerequisites but lack a basic understanding of the EU. In addition, students should have a good command of the English language (active and passive).

A minimum of 8 students is required for the course to take place.

Course aim

By the end of the course students will have in depth knowledge of:

History of European integration and possible outcomes
the institutions of the European Union (including the Commission, Council, European Council, European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the European Union)
the decision-making process of the European Union
the competences of the European Union
the nature and effect of the law of the European Union
the European economic and monetary Union
the internal market

Fee info


1000 EUR, This 3-week course costs €1000,-.



22 July - 09 August 2019


Maastricht Summer School


Maastricht University




6.0 EC

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