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Lessons from former yugoslavia for global peace and security


16 July - 26 July 2014


International Summer School Sarajevo






Bosnia & Herzegovina


8.0 EC


200 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Lessons from former yugoslavia for global peace and security


The ISSS 2014 aims to continue addressing issues of transitional justice in South East Europe but looking at transitional justice mechanisms as means to conflict prevention. War crimes proceedings, work of truth commissions or vetting process all assist societies to deal with the past and minimize potential influence of conflict drivers often harming gender equality, human rights, socio-economic stability, cultural identity etc.

During the summer school in 2014, Pravnik will work on bringing experts that can elaborate and provide analysis into following topics:
Geo-political and historical features of former Yugoslavia/South East Europe in the 80s and 90s,
Transitional justice mechanisms serving as conflict prevention,
Role of international justice, with focus on ICTY and its effects to reconciliation in former Yugoslavia,
Global lessons for security learned in the Balkans,
Women and minorities in conflict prevention,
Media and propaganda influencing conflict prevention,
Success and failure of transitional justice mechanisms in South East Europe.

Course leader

ISSS 2014 will host prominent lecturers with vast experience in the field of Institutional Reform, Rule of Law, Human Rights and Transitional Justice.

Target group

The program encourages applications from graduate and PhD students of law and related disciplines and young professionals (under the age of 35); including a limited number of undergraduate students from South East Europe, Europe and the US.

Course aim

• To empower future decision makers to work to establish the Rule of Law and Human Rights system in transitional countries.
• To widen theoretical and practical skills of participants.
• To influence changes in transitional countries towards sustainable Rule of Law and the respect of Human Rights.

Fee info


200 EUR, for accommodation, meals and working materials. Travel costs are not covered by this fee and each participant should take care of personal travel arrangements.


100 EUR, for accommodation, meals and working materials. For students from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, the Republic of Moldova, and Serbia. Travel costs are not covered by this fee and each participant should take care of personal travel arrangements.



16 July - 26 July 2014


International Summer School Sarajevo




8.0 EC

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