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Environmental Studies

Management and Economics of Photovoltaic Projects


26 August - 30 August 2024


Green Energy Summer School


Renewables Academy RENAC








0.0 EC


2142 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Management and Economics of Photovoltaic Projects


With the current downward price in the development for photovoltaic (PV) projects, there is an increased interest in installing PV systems. Newly-installed peak power of PV now surpasses all other technologies, both conventional/fossil-based technologies as well as renewable technologies.

With this training course, you will learn how to implement projects using one of the most promising energy technologies currently available. You will acquire a solid theoretical and foundational understanding of PV project management, combined with practical hands-on exercises. Our experienced trainers will get you involved in the training and will facilitate valuable group interactions and discussions.

- Photovoltaic markets and technical introduction
- Management of solar projects (with case studies)
- Economics and financing of PV projects (with case studies)

Target group

This training will suit those who:
- have prior knowledge of PV technology, and you are interested in implementing projects and need a comprehensive overview on PV project economics and finance
- are a project developer, project manager, engineer, quality inspector, or customer service professional in the solar energy industry and - - want to start evaluating/developing your first project(s).

Qualification Level: Basic PV knowledge

Course aim

Training Course Objectives:

- Evaluate the bankability of PV projects;
- discuss technical, commercial, legal, and political risks as well as risk mitigation schemes;
- determine CAPEX/OPEX, assess key financial indicators, and set up the financial structure of PV projects;
- debate the advantages and challenges of PV power plant economics;
- provide the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions on PV projects; and
- facilitate the exchange of potential or specific project ideas among participants, who bring perspectives from around the globe.

Learning Objectives:
- identify PV market development, segments, and outlooks;
- describe the main components of a PV system and use software to access meteorological data estimates and forecast PV system yields;
- define project phases, starting with the initial concept to operation and maintenance, to developing PV project plans, including: planning and commissioning, approvals, logistics, construction, and grid-connection;
- implement, coordinate, and control PV projects from the installation process to grid-connection;
- identify project risks, risk mitigation, and dos and don’ts;
- analyse operational data from a real PV system;
- evaluate the core activities within the PV value chain;
- assess main steps of project development and implementation;
- understand key stakeholders’ roles and project structures;
- assess the KPIs of PV project calculation;
- investigate main costs (CAPEX and OPEX) and other relevant figures for an economic analysis; identify leverage of projects; and evaluate a project with an accompanying economic efficiency calculation tool

Fee info


2142 EUR, Without VAT (Value Added Tax): 1,927.80 EUR. Only EU companies with a valid VAT-ID are excluded from paying German VAT.


1800 EUR, This Early Bird Price is available until: 1 July 2024. Without VAT (Value Added Tax): 1,620 EUR. Only EU companies with a valid VAT-ID are excluded from paying German VAT.



26 August - 30 August 2024


Green Energy Summer School


Renewables Academy RENAC




0.0 EC

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