Brussels, Belgium
European Business Challenges: Corporate Finance
08 August - 17 August 2025
3.0 EC
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28 June - 09 July 2021
Barcelona GSE Economics Summer School
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
0.0 EC
1000 EUR
The Barcelona GSE Microeconometrics Summer School specializes in the application of econometric techniques and is taught by experts in the field.
The increasing availability of individual data from surveys has led not only to a significant growth in the number of academic jobs of an empirical nature using this type of information, but also to a greater number of studies commissioned by public and private institutions in which this type of data is used.
The characteristics of this type of data are such that statistical and econometric techniques appropriate for their treatment have a specific nature, generally differentiated from those appropriate for time series data. The qualitative nature of most of the information, the representativity of the samples used and the censoring issues associated to the dependent variables are, among others, some of the aspects that distinguish these techniques from an econometric perspective.
Furthermore, the growing importance of this type of information has also meant that a significant number of official surveys from different countries have a panel data structure. That is, one individual (person, household, firm) is observed for several time periods. This type of data has some econometric advantages and also requires the use of specific techniques.
Finally, it is becoming a usual practice to evaluate public policies by comparing the results of a given treatment in a group of individuals with those of another group with similar characteristics that havenât been the object of the treatment. To do this, information from surveys is also used, this being a specific framework for the application of econometric techniques for individual data.
It is directed by Sergi JimĂ©nez-MartĂn, Professor of Economics at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona GSE Affiliated Professor.
Who will benefit from this program?
Given the strong methodological and empirical nature of the course methodology, candidates to take this Summer School include:
Researchers and professionals from public institutions (economists from ministries of economy, labor, industry, etc,) or private institutions (economists from the research departments of financial firms or consultants) whose work requires the handling and treatment of individual data.
PhD and master students in economics (or in the social sciences) who intend to or are in the process of preparing dissertations with an empirical component that requires an econometric treatment of individual data.
Holders of undergraduate degrees in economics or the social sciences who wish to round out their background in quantitative topics that have a general and/or specific applicability.
The schedule is designed to allow students to participate in all courses in the Microeconometrics program.
Courses can also be taken individually or in combination with courses in other BGSE Summer School programs, schedule permitting.
Course list for 2021
Week 1 (June 28 - July 2, 2021)
Econometrics of Cross-section Data with Applications ONLINE
Instructor: Jaume Garcia-Villar (UPF and Barcelona GSE)
The Impacts of Policies on Health Outcomes ONLINE
Instructors: Judit Vall (Universitat de Barcelona, IEB and CRES-UPF) and Miquel Serra-Burriel (Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, University of Zurich)
Week 2 (July 5-9, 2021)
Dynamic and Non-linear Panel Data Models ONLINE
Instructor: Sergi JimĂ©nez-MartĂn (UPF and Barcelona GSE)
Dynamic Structural Models for Policy Evaluation ONLINE
Instructor: Joan Llull (MOVE, UAB and Barcelona GSE)
Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Evaluation ONLINE
Instructor: Stephan Litschig (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan)
1000 EUR, Max Regular Fee
600 EUR, Min Reduced Fee
28 June - 09 July 2021
Barcelona GSE Economics Summer School
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
0.0 EC
Brussels, Belgium
08 August - 17 August 2025
3.0 EC
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Munich, Germany
28 July - 14 August 2025
6.0 EC
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London, United Kingdom
18 July - 08 August 2025
7.5 EC
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