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Human geography

Migration Studies


18 August - 24 August 2024


Summer School on Migration Studies


Charles University in Prague




Czech Republic


0.0 EC


330 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Migration Studies


The Geographic Migration Centre (GEOMIGRACE), a research institute affiliated with the department of social geography and regional development at the Faculty of Science at Prague's Charles University, with cooperation of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is inviting students and young professionals to its Summer school on migration studies 2024. This year's event will focus on the integration of refugees.

Scholars and practitioners (from international and non-governmental organisations) from various countries will take part, through delivering lectures and/or leading seminars, workshops, and panel discussions on issues closely related to migration. These will be examined from different political, economic, sociocultural, demographic, development, and geographical perspectives. In addition to the academic sections, other accompanying events - especially cultural ones - will take place.

The following experts and many others will be confirmed during spring when the final list and draft program will be published. The program will follow a similar format as last years, see…ws/

Migration Theories, Realities and Myths: Dušan Drbohlav, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University
IOM response to refugee crises: Peter Kern, IOM Sub-Regional Emergency Coordinator
Integration processes and integration policies: Rinus Penninx, University of Amsterodam
Ethnicity, migration and media stereotypes: Salim Murad, Director of Gymnasium of the Memory of the Nation; teacher at New York University Prague; teacher and coordinator of the EMMIR at the University of South Bohemia
Migration, Climate Change and Global Risks: Michal Broža, Head of the United Nations Information Centre in Prague
Migration and Gender: Petra Ezzeddine, Department of General Anthropology and Department of Gender Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
Migration and Demography: Tomáš Sobotka, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, Vienna
The Realities of Irregular Migration from Africa: Eric Opoku Ware, Sahara Hustlers Association, Ghana - The Realities of Irregular Migration from Africa
Transnationalism and Diaspora: Eva Janská, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University
Inclusivity as a Precondition of Integration: Michal Vašečka, Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts
Migration and Development: Josef Novotný, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Assistance and adaptation of temporary protection holders from Ukraine in Czechia: Jan Schroth, Migration policy expert Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Course leader

Geographic Migration Centre and IOM International Organization for Migration Czechia

Target group

University students and young professionals interested in migration

Course aim

Scholars and practitioners (from international and non-governmental organisations) from various countries will take part, through delivering lectures and/or leading seminars, workshops, and panel discussions on issues closely related to migration. These will be examined from different political, economic, sociocultural, demographic, development, and geographical perspectives. In addition to the academic sections, other accompanying events - especially cultural ones - will take place.

Fee info


330 EUR, The fee includes six days of lectures, lunches, coffee break refreshments, learning materials, an introductory corporate dinner, and a cultural program. The fee does not include transport and accommodation. Accommodation can be arranged in the university halls of residence for the price of 20EUR per night.



18 August - 24 August 2024


Summer School on Migration Studies


Charles University in Prague


0.0 EC

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