Lausanne, Switzerland
Field-Based Insights into the Implementation of Renewable Energies
11 August - 16 August 2025
2 EC
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21 July - 25 July 2014
Summer School Almere
0.0 EC
650 EUR
Multimedia, as defined by Tsuhan Chen (formerly editor of the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia journal), is “…the combination of different elements (whether medium, modality, technology, algorithm, or application) that provides a fuller experience of the effect of that combination”. It clearly allows us to obtain highly multidisciplinary interactive virtual worlds which enable us to address any initiative. For that reason it is necessary to understand the functioning of the new organizational environments while learning to elaborate and apply methodologies that integrate Creation, Design and Engineering in any process.
Games are very good examples of multidisciplinary productions, like any interactive experience able to keep the user immersed "in another reality". In fact, video games can be considered as a particular case of collaborative virtual environments and these are made of different disciplines (graphic design, usability and user centered design, script and narrative, content generation, technology and content management, etc.).
Anything can be created from this set of principles. Let’s put some effort on showing how to achieve it!
Emiliano Labrador Oscar GarcĂa Pañella
Designers, Programmers and Producers to work together inside a real concept creation that we will make happen in just 1 week. “Left and Right” brains to co-develop an innovative Serious Game to cover a real need. Rational and intuitive ways of thinking that if merged correctly will deliver pure innovation. Are you a “scientist”, an “artist”, a “developer” or a “visionary”? Come and contribute by learning new methodologies inside a group.
Learn the basic rules to become a digital manager/designer/developer for the Multimedia field to be applied within any scope (sport, culture, education, medicine, marketing, entertainment...).
Experience “reality”.
Create first, perform afterwards.
Design by “thinking different” according to several Game Design principles to overcome “well-known” or new challenges differently.
Get to know Creative Techniques for your developments to be highly innovative.
Apply the “magical triad” of roles: Artist + Developer + Manager inside your development team.
Use Agile Management to plan as you do.
Develop concepts that could end up as applications for the current market while understanding their ins and outs.
650 EUR, Course + course materials
21 July - 25 July 2014
Summer School Almere
0.0 EC
Lausanne, Switzerland
11 August - 16 August 2025
2 EC
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Nuremberg, Germany
21 July - 01 August 2025
0.0 EC
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Nice, France
07 July - 18 July 2025
3 EC
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