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Religious Studies

Old Catholic Theology: Contexts and Calling


06 July - 18 July 2025


Utrecht Summer School


Utrecht University








4.0 EC


800 EUR

Old Catholic Theology: Contexts and Calling


Old Catholic theology is understood as the main theological currents as they exist in the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches. The courses in the first week will offer a broad overview of main topics and themes in Old Catholic theology and spirituality which will be deepened in the courses of the second week.

The topics covered by the course include the following aspects of Old Catholic theology and tradition: the history of Old Catholicism, fundamental and liturgical theology, spirituality, ecumenism, canon law and ecclesiology, liturgy, and systematic theology.

The courses will be taught by experts in Old Catholic theology of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht.

The course includes excursions to, among others, a major collection of related religious art (Museum Catharijneconvent). The beginning of the course is marked by attending the Eucharist in St. Gertrudā€™s Cathedral, facilitating an encounter with ā€˜lived Old Catholicismā€™.

Besides the programme of lectures and seminars, social activities will be organised to meet and get to know each other. This, we believe, is important because studying theology is also studying in practice, in relation with the other students from all different contexts.

At the end of the course, students will have a deepened knowledge of, and insight into Old Catholic theology and ecumenical Catholicity. You will be able to apply this knowledge in theological reflection and research. The course is partly at the introductory level of an M.Div. curriculum and partly at the advanced level of a MA curriculum. Good BA students may also apply, as well as others. Students may be expected to do advance reading for the course.

This track combines the two courses of Old Catholic Theology: Faith, History and Praxis and Ecumenical Catholicity: The Old Catholic Witness. For more information about the course you can read the separate course pages. It is also possible to participate in only one of the two weeks.

Course leader

Prof. dr. Peter-Ben Smit

Target group

Students of theology interested in Old Catholicism and ecumenism; Clergy and theologians interested in Old Catholicism and ecumenism; Laypersons with formal or informal theological training interesting in Old Catholicism and ecumenism. The course is of specific interest for students with Anglican, Orthodox, Lutheran, Old Catholic, and ecumenical backgrounds.

Course aim

The goals of the course are, the following; upon completing the course: 1) The student will be familiar with central aspects of Old Catholic identity and theology, 2) The student will be able to contextualize Old Catholic theology within the broader spectrum of theology and religious studies, 3) The student will have a deepened knowledge of Old Catholic theology its appeal on the Early Church; 4) The student will be able apply this knowledge in theological reflexion and research; 6) The student will be able to undertake further independent study of aspects of Old Catholic theology.

Fee info


800 EUR, Course + course materials


400 EUR, Housing fee (optional)



06 July - 18 July 2025


Utrecht Summer School


Utrecht University




4.0 EC

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