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Positive Health and Resilience by using Arts and Creative Methods


26 August - 06 September 2024


Karel de Grote UAS Summerschool


Karel de Grote UAS








3.0 EC


450 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Positive Health and Resilience by using Arts and Creative Methods


By organizing an international summerschool for students from health and welfare programs, we want to investigate whether a creatively stimulating approach has an impact on their own positive health and resilience. Recently, British research during the Covid-19 period showed that consuming art reduces psychological stress and increases resilience. (Gallo et al., 2021) With the summerschool we take it one step further and apply art-based learning. The young professional is better developed in his artistic being and will therefore be more sensory, more alert, different and broader in his role. Using authentic case studies discussed in an international and interdisciplinary context, we investigate how this method influences the positive health and resilience of their audience (patient, client,...).

Course leader

Karel de Grote UAS in co creation with Avans UAS Nl, DIAK UAS Fi, UWC SA, and artists

Target group

Bachelor students in healthcare and welfare programs.

Course aim

Week 1: Focus on me as a professional
• students are able to map their own positive health using the spider web and identify the limiting and supporting factors per dimension. For this they use reflection and imagination.
• The students express which change they want to realize within their own positive health/resilience as a professional and which concrete actions they will take to achieve this in the coming months.
• The students collaborate in patient/client centered care with other and different professions.
• Students can explore and name the ways and forms of art that support them in developing their own resilience and expressing their own experiences?
Week 2: Focus on the other (client, carer, public)
• The students can use the spider web as a conversation tool to map out the other person's positive health.
• Students can explore the art forms through which they can express themselves and connect with others
• Students have developed an increased alertness to notice the unspoken needs of the other, to recognize them, to feel whether something artistic/creative can support them and to act accordingly

Fee info


450 EUR, The fee includes: tuition, study facilities, all classes including all creative sessions, evening activities. Not included: accommodation, meals, insurance, visa and travelling expenses to and from Belgium are not included. Subscribe on our website.



26 August - 06 September 2024


Karel de Grote UAS Summerschool


Karel de Grote UAS




3.0 EC

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