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Post (Covid) City – Bodies in Public Space(s) in Times of Crisis


20 August - 03 September 2022


Bauhaus Summer School


Bauhaus-Universität Weimar








3.0 EC


700 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Post (Covid) City – Bodies in Public Space(s) in Times of Crisis


+++ Due to the current pandemic, please bear in mind that the provided information may change depending on COVID regulations . For more information don't heistate to contact us+++

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, people living in metropolitan areas have been among the worst hit and vulnerable: unprepared healthcare networks, overwhelmed governments, collapsing economies, the exploitation of so-called “frontline workers” and unfit urban infrastructures. The long-term impacts of the crisis on cities are difficult to predict. Epidemics and crises in general have been hugely influential in shaping our cities, history shows. Cities represent continuity and transformation after all – they endure, adapt and grow. Perhaps COVID-19 will accelerate changes that have been brewing in cities for a long time, putting more resilient concepts at the core of their post COVID-19 plans.

One might ask: What measures are just temporary and what might stay and become permanent changes contributing to the reshaping of the Post-COVID City? What might make our cities more livable and what consequences of the pandemic might they suffer from? Either way, it is a powerful act to start imagining what kind of city we might be living in when this pandemic slows down.

In this experimental seminar we will reflect on recent developments, speculate about the future and imagine the (Post)COVID City yet to come. This seminar will tap into landscapes of resistance within the city. These landscapes include protest culture, reclamation of spaces by marginalized communities, queer visibility in public space, alliances, solidarity networks, resilient practices…etc.

In addition to the class programme, we have prepared a varied social programme for you: Meet participants from all over the world during our gaming night, the international food evening, at a joint free visit to the cinema, on a trip to Berlin or Leipzig or when diving into the vast cultural options that Weimar has to offer.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Course leader

Nancy Naser Al Deen, MA Lukas Staudinger, Mag.arch. MA Dr. Christian Haid, Ph.D.

Target group

Fluid Academic level. Anyone with an interest in the urban research , public space, archiving, audiovisual storytelling, queer urban visibility, inclusive spaces, and urban solidarity networks.

* preferably (but not required - due to the flexibility of group format): basic skills and/or interest in audio-visual editing and storytelling.

Course aim

- Expand your critical views on architectures of pandemic(s)
- Question politics of bodies in urban space in times of crises
- Analyze the role of public space in absence of private “safe” spaces

Fee info


700 EUR, 2 weeks (90 hrs) The course fee is 700 EUR. The course fee includes: • Orientation & Support • Programme according to description • Teaching materials • Bauhaus Summer School ID card • Free use of buses in Weimar and local trains in Thuringia • Certificate • Internet access at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar • Free use of library • Accompanying programme (except excursions) • Free entrance to museums belonging to Klassik Stiftung Weimar


500 EUR, 2 weeks (90 hrs) 500 EUR for students. The course fee includes: • Orientation & Support • Programme according to description • Teaching materials • Bauhaus Summer School ID card • Free use of buses in Weimar and local trains in Thuringia • Certificate • Internet access at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar • Free use of library • Accompanying programme (except excursions) • Free entrance to museums belonging to Klassik Stiftung Weimar



20 August - 03 September 2022


Bauhaus Summer School


Bauhaus-Universität Weimar




3.0 EC

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