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Power Grid – Plant Your Power Plants


23 August - 28 August 2015


Summer Academy on Energy


Budapest University of Technology and Economics






2.0 EC


250 EUR


The Organizing Committee of  the 2nd SAE Summer Academy on Energy (SAE2) is
encouraging undergraduate and MSc students from all over the world to apply for SAE2.

The SAE Summer Academy on Energy will be held from 24th to 28th August, 2015, in Budapest,

The main goal is to provide an opportunity to participating students to get acquainted with the concept of power grids.The main task of the summer academy is to plan the basics of a fictional country’s sustainable electric power system, based on knowledge acquired from the lectures on the topics of conventional power plants, renewable energy utilization, structure of the power system, and its availabilities in energy storage, energy economics and environmental concerns.

The preliminary program is available here. More details, and the terms of applications can be found

Target group

Undergraduate and MSc students (not necessarily engineer students)

Course aim

The main task of the summer academy is to plan the basics of a fictional countrys sustainable electric power system, to establish a reliable power grid with different kind of power plants, in accordance with the countrys geology, industrial and residential consumers demands as well as with the environmental and economic considerations for the available power plans.

The following topics will be included:

• Energy generation: Conventional power plants, nuclear power plants, and utilization of renewable energy resources

• The structure of the power system: Energy supply and demand in the power system, structure of the transmission network

• Energy storage in the power system: Different energy storage technologies concerning technical and economic parameters

• Energy economics: Economic evaluation methods based on different power plant technologies

• Environmental concerns: Besides the technologic and economic aspects of different power plant technologies environmental evaluation based on the concerns of harmful emissions are also inevitable.

Beyond the professional development, this event wants to provide an opportunity for students, working on different fields of engineering, to make international contacts with other talented students.



23 August - 28 August 2015


Summer Academy on Energy


Budapest University of Technology and Economics


2.0 EC


250 EUR, Early-bird application deadline: 28th June The registration fee contains the followings: - Summer Academy materials -


300 EUR, Application deadline: 12th July The registration fee contains the followings: - Summer Academy materials - Admission to all

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