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01 July - 25 August 2018


Summer and Winter University FUBiS


Freie Universität Berlin


Cambridge, London


United Kingdom




0.0 EC


3995 GBP

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At LITE Regal's award winning psychology course, students will be offered an insight and introduction to the topics of psychology offered a Top University.
Aimed primarily to all students interested in the field of psychology or who would like to study this subject further at a top university, the course is run through exciting hands-on workshops with mind blowing psychology experiments to help students gain an insight and knowledge into human thoughts and associated behaviour. These workshops coupled with top academic tutors and with like-minded students make this an exciting and rewarding course.
Unlike many summer schools LITE Regal offers hands-on workshops in which students are actively encouraged to design (thinking “outside of the box”) various psychological experiments. Students led by the academic tutors both discuss ethical and unethical experiments. In particular with the unethical experiments students are encouraged in groups to discuss and re-design a similar ethical experiment:
conduct individual research and direct your own studies into areas that interest you
attend a subject-related field trip designed by your tutor to complement your studies
Students will get the chance to discuss, study and debate questions of the mind in lively, open, tutor-led sessions. Tutors will provide a grounding in the main schools of thought and notable contributors in the development of psychology.

Course leader

Anshu Bhatnagar MA Behavioural Studies, University of Aberdeen

Target group


Course aim

In addition to lectures, students participate in in-class experiments demonstrating key psychological phenomena. Working in teams, and under instructor supervision, students design, run, and present data from an original psychological experiment.
The academic and practical approach will be enhanced by visits to the British Psychological Society for presentations on current topics together with visits to the Science Museum and Freud Museum in London.
Learning objectives of this course are:
Gain an understanding of psychology, its foundations and new thinking
an insight into psychology as a future university course
an awareness of careers in the areas of behaviour, occupation, clinical and forensic psychology
a course that will develop skills in scientific methodology, analytical thinking, project management and presentation



01 July - 25 August 2018


Summer and Winter University FUBiS


Freie Universität Berlin




0.0 EC


3995 GBP, Fee Includes: - over 40 hours of tuition over two weeks - all course materials - guest lectures and field visits -

Register for this course

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