Naxos, Greece
10th Naxos Summer School on Diachronic Linguistics. Comparing Diachronies
20 July - 25 July 2025
6 EC
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04 September - 08 September 2023
University of Padova
0.0 EC
250 EUR
The IQLA-GIAT Summer School in Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data is organized by Interdisciplinary Text Analysis Group (GIAT) in collaboration with the International Quantitative Linguistics Association (IQLA). The IQLA-GIAT Summer School is a project funded by the University of Padova and directed by Professor Arjuna Tuzzi (University of Padova).
The IQLA-GIAT Summer School is characterized by three main elements:
1- a general part devoted to quantitative linguistics and methods for the analysis of textual data;
2- a special issue addressed to a relevant methodological problem that has changed over time
- 2023: Language Variation and Change
- 2021: Quality of Texts quality of News
- 2019: Data Science and Data scientists in Humanities and Social Sciences;
- 2017: Topic detection and authorship attribution in Elena Ferrante's case study;
- 2015: Measuring style and computational stylistics;
- 2013: Measures and methods in authorship attribution
3. lab-tutorials dedicated to the computer-aided analysis of textual data.
Lecturers: Dominique Brunato (CNR, Pisa); Joanna Byszuk (Polish Academy of Sciences of Kraków); Silvia Crafa (University of Padua); Emmerich Kelih (University of Vienna); Patrick Juola (Duquesne University, Pittsburgh); Sébastien Lê (CNRS, Rennes); George Mikros (Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha); Stefano Ondelli (University of Trieste); Adam Pawloski (University of Wrocław); Matilde Trevisani (University of Trieste)
The IQLA-GIAT Summer School is open to 20 participants including researchers, scholars and postgraduate students.
Applicants should send a file in pdf format including:
1. curriculum vitae
2. personal mission statement and research interests (max 500 words)
Applications should be sent to the following address: qatd.school@fisppa.it
Please note that this year there is no selection procedure and that the limited seats will be sold on a "first-come, first-served" basis.
info: qatd.school@fisppa.it
The IQLA-GIAT Summer School is a project funded by the University of Padua (www.unipd.it) and coordinated by Professor Arjuna Tuzzi. The School is managed by the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology.
The IQLA-GIAT Summer School is open to 20 participants including researchers, scholars and postgraduate students.
Teaching activities at the School will raise questions that can be answered thanks to quantitative methods implemented within a text analysis framework and other procedures that may be used to identify and compare text characteristics. The aim is to discuss the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of quantitative methods for text analysis with postgraduate students,
early career researchers and scholars from different disciplines. Recent studies have stressed the need for developing, adopting and sharing interdisciplinary approaches. The IQLA-GIAT Summer School is an ideal environment for developing innovative analytical tools by pooling together the research methods from different disciplines.
The Summer School aims at:
1. sharing information on software, corpora, relevant literature and research results;
2. promoting dialogue among different disciplines on emerging research issues;
3. developing innovative analytical tools and integrated research methods;
4. introducing postgraduate students and early career researchers to new strains of research and applications;
5. sharing state-of-the-art techniques in methods for text analysis (topic detection, text classification, data visualization).
250 EUR, The tuition fee includes accommodation in shared rooms that will be assigned by the organizing staff.
04 September - 08 September 2023
University of Padova
0.0 EC
Naxos, Greece
20 July - 25 July 2025
6 EC
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Tallinn, Estonia
16 July - 20 July 2025
0.0 EC
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Istanbul, Turkey
30 June - 15 August 2025
10 EC
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