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Medical School

Rare Disease


09 July - 12 July 2024


ITINERARE Rare Disease Summer School


University of Zurich








1.0 EC


250 CHF

Please note: this course has already ended
Rare Disease


The 10th Rare Disease Summer School will focus on a wide variety of subjects in the arena of rare diseases, from disease mechanisms and animal models, to improving diagnoses and novel therapeutics. The ethical and societal challenges associated with rare diseases will also be addressed in the program. There will be lectures by national and international rare disease experts, workshops, poster sessions and selected oral presentations by participants.

A high faculty-to-student ratio will allow participants to optimally benefit from the varied expertise of the faculty. There will be ample time for discussions, teamwork, as well as for socializing. The Summer School will be held in English.

Course leader

University of Zurich/ University Children's Hospital Eleonore Foundation

Target group

The school addresses clinicians, physician-scientists, Postdocs, and PhD students as well as select students from various disciplines such as medicine, biology, pharmaceutical science, psychology, sociology, and related fields. Up to 30 participants will be admitted. There are a limited number of spaces available to participants from industry. Participants are responsible for having valid insurance and a valid visa, if applicable, for Switzerland.

Fee info


250 CHF, CHF 250: There is a non-refundable registration fee of CHF 250 for PhD students, of CHF 350 for other participants from academia and clinics, and of CHF 500 for participants from industry. The fee becomes due upon notification of acceptance. Coffee breaks and meals as well as social activities are included in the registration fee. Participants are responsible for their own travel. Travel grants We are pleased to announce that 10 travel grants of CHF 500 each are available to PhD students and young Postdocs (within 3 years from PhD completion) to support their attendance to the Summer School. Registration fee will also be covered. The grant receipients will be selected on the basis of the quality of their application and will be notifed by email. CHF 350: There is a non-refundable registration fee of CHF 250 for PhD students, of CHF 350 for other participants from academia and clinics, and of CHF 500 for participants from industry. The fee becomes due upon notification of acceptance. Coffee breaks and meals as well as social activities are included in the registration fee. Participants are responsible for their own travel. Travel grants We are pleased to announce that travel grants of CHF 500 each are available to PhD students and young Postdocs (within 3 years from PhD completion) to support their attendance to the Summer School. Registration fee will also be covered. The grant receipients will be selected on the basis of the quality of their application and will be notifed by email.



09 July - 12 July 2024


ITINERARE Rare Disease Summer School


University of Zurich




1.0 EC

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