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Reinforcing EU Responsible Global Leadership


05 February - 08 February 2024


University of Pisa Summer School


University of Pisa








3.0 EC


250 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Reinforcing EU Responsible Global Leadership
Top course
Reinforcing EU Responsible Global Leadership


This Winter School aims to provide participants with an in-depth knowledge of the European Union’s role for a rules-based multilateral world. The analysis will therefore focus on the promotion of European Union values in its relations with the wider world. Indeed, EU’s external relations are the basis for multilateralism and, as it is well known, in pursuing these relations the European Union itself has, according to Art. 3 paragraph 5 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), a specific obligation to promote its own values, which are listed in Art. 2 of the TEU, including democracy, respect for human rights, human dignity, freedom, equality and the rule of law. All these values, the article states, are “common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, nondiscrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail”. The promotion of these values – particularly in relations with the rest of the world– is at the core of the Union’s action in the context of multilateralism. Moreover, as stated in the fifth paragraph of Article 3, the affirmation of the values aforementioned shall constitute the Union’s contribution to peace, security, the sustainable development of the Earth, solidarity and mutual respect among peoples, free and fair trade, eradication of poverty and protection of human rights and the implementation of international law.

The School’s activities are aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, university professors, secondary school teachers, lawyers, trade unionists, civil servants, politicians and international organizations officers, who will be able to benefit from methodological tools and suggestions for in-depth study, with the opportunity to exchange information and opinions.

The School will take place over four days, with morning and afternoon activities, entirely on campus.
The school will be made up of 32 hours of activities. All activities will be conducted in English.
There will be both face-to-face lectures and in-depth work in small groups.
There will also be a Moot court competition during the school, which is a valuable learning-by-doing opportunity for participants to test the practical knowledge they have acquired in classroom.

Participants who attend at least 90% of the lectures and complete the planned activities will be awarded 3 academic credits (in accordance with ECTS).

Course leader

Prof. Leonardo Pasquali

Target group

Undergraduate and postgraduate students, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, university professors, secondary school teachers, lawyers, trade unionists, civil servants, politicians and international organizations officers.

Course aim

The Winter School aims to provide participants with an in-depth knowledge of the role played by the European Union for a rules-based multilateral world. It aims to provide participants with methodological tools and suggestions for further study, as well as practical skills that they can use in their careers. The School will thus open a structured dialogue with the academic world and will provide a platform for study, discussion and information exchange.
The School is open to a wide range of participants: university professors, post-doc researchers, PhD candidates, undergraduate and postgraduate students, high-school teachers, practitioners such as lawyers, trade unionists, public officers, policy makers, international organizations officers.
The Winter School is also open to students and professionals interested in the matter who have never had the chance to study European Union Law.

Fee info


250 EUR, tuitio fees



05 February - 08 February 2024


University of Pisa Summer School


University of Pisa




3.0 EC

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