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Religious Studies

Religion, Theology and Aesthetics


29 June - 17 July 2021


Summer School at Linz in Cooperation with Boston College


Catholic Private University Linz








3.0 EC


300 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Religion, Theology and Aesthetics


Living in aestheticized cultures requires skills of critical perception informed by relevant theories. While reality has always been more than “hard facts” – both religion(s) and art bear witness to that –contemporary technological possibilities have even ‘augmented’ reality and, thus, are raising questions about who we are. The course will cover quite a bit of ground in both art history and theology in an exemplary manner related to the local and historical circumstances. Central theological themes such as anthropology, soteriology, grace, etc. will be critically correlated with e.g. baroque iconographic programs, questions raised by post humanism, and material culture.
The course will be offered as an interdisciplinary workshop where theologians, art historians, and philosophers will engage in lectures and discussions with each other and with students. Excursions will be a central part of this course: e.g.: the Abbey of Kremsmuenster, local examples of contemporary church architecture, the Ars Electronica Center, etc.

Course leader

Ass. Prof. Andreas Telser, Linz; Dr. Annette Langner-Pischmann, International Research Center for Social Issues and Ethics, Salzburg; Prof. Knut Wenzel, Goethe UniversitÀt, Frankfurt (requested). Prof. Anna Minta, Linz; Prof. Ilaria Hoppe, Linz; Ass. Pro

Target group

Bachelor and Master students in the Humanities (Theology, Philosophy, History, Art History, Social Sciences)
The Summer School is also open for PhD students.

Fee info


300 EUR, The fee covers course material (text will be provided electronically), filed trips, orientation, and a farewell get-together. An additional health insurance for your stay in Austria is recommended.


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