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SAIL-Summer Academy of International Law


31 July - 25 August 2017


SAIL-Summer Academy of International Law


Istanbul Center of International Law - Istanbul Zaim University








0.0 EC


750 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
SAIL-Summer Academy of International Law


The four-week program will combine lectures, individual studies under supervision, networking sessions with academics/practitioners and moot court. Only the candidates who prove their academic qualities through a highly selective application process will be entitled to participate to SAIL. These elite students will study individually under the supervision of ICIL Academic Staff and Turkish academics for four weeks in an intensive way.

In a nutshell, the participants of SAIL will receive advanced lectures on sub-branches of international law for four weeks therein we will dedicate a week for each field as following;

International Air and Space Law (31 July-4 August)
Intellectual Property & Information Technologies Law (7-11 August)
International Environmental & Energy Law (14-19 August)
International Humanitarian Law (21-28 August)

Course leader

Assoc. Prof. Murat Volkan Dülger

Target group

Open to students from other faculties related to International Law
Advanced level of English is required to follow and actively participate in lectures.
The program will consist of approximately 28 hours lecture and 16 hours individual study per week. Therefore, high level of self-discipline is required.
NB: Turkish participants were already selected among 2000 applications. This announcement is only for foreign nationals other than Turkish ones. Turkish participants can only be admitted under exceptional circumstances.

Course aim

The role of international law in the 21st politics and relations between states and international organizations can and actually must be characterized as ambivalent.An intense ascertainment of the new legal topics is required as a recall of the philosophical, historical and comparative fundamentals of Law. In that regard, studying international law alongside with different subjects such as environment, information technology, intellectual property and energy seems indispensible.

Fee info


750 EUR, Each week can be taken separately, therefore, participation for each week costs 200 Euro. ACCOMMODATION and course materials are INCLUDED in the fee. Participants are responsible for their airfare expenses. If the participant takes 4 weeks, there will be 50 Euros reduction. There will be three meals per day with an additional cost of 50 Euros per week. For further information about the application, please visit the official website. You can find the link on the right side of this course page.



31 July - 25 August 2017


SAIL-Summer Academy of International Law


Istanbul Center of International Law - Istanbul Zaim University




0.0 EC

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