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Environmental Studies



10 March - 23 March 2025


Solar Winter School


SRH Berlin University








5.0 EC


950 EUR

Online preparation course covering fundamentals in technology (technical terminology, PV systems design, energy yield calculation, profitability analysis) and business (marketing and sales, company structure, corporate identity and in-house processes, international trade and general business administration, desk and field work basics) — In Berlin, or online, participants will consolidate and deepen their technological knowledge acquired during the online preparation course through: hands-on systems engineering, practical system simulation and cost analysis with software support, discussion of quality and costs of PV system components on the market, installation, commissioning and maintenance procedures Additionally, participants will also increase their understanding of daily working tasks in a company: effective business communication with international partner companies and customers, business development, innovative corporate culture, team work, business etiquette, consumer and after-sales service, purchasing, quality control, overview of controlling, warehousing, supply chain management, finance and banking aspects. Excursions to production facilities in Berlin Extracurricular cultural programme On-site cooperation with (German and international) partner companies (short internship) Online follow-up: forum and discussion board, network development

Course leader

Matthias Raab, Prof. Dr. Michael Hartmann

Target group

Individuals with engineering, business or commercial background Working professionals employed in a solar company or freelancing in the solar field, renewable energies students and recent graduates

Course aim

Track Solar Employee (there is also an Entrepreneur Track) Strengthen your Photovoltaic Business Expertise This industry-developed 6-week course (in English) prepares individuals with an engineering, business management or commercial background with the necessary qualifications needed for professional engagement in national and international firms active in the field of Photovoltaic Solar Energy. Designed with a focus on practical knowledge transfer, this hands-on career development program will:  — connect you to professionals from industry and academia  — enhance your business and industry relevant practical skillset  — improve your international employment perspectives, in emerging and mature markets The global solar energy industry has grown exponentially, demonstrating high sales turnover worldwide. Qualified solar professionals with industry experience are attractive candidates as international firms seek to expand their operations into emerging markets. Together with well-respected trainers, active in the solar business, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences offers you the essential knowledge and industry contacts you need to forge a successful career in the solar industry. We look forward to welcoming you in Germany early next year.



10 March - 23 March 2025


Solar Winter School


SRH Berlin University




5.0 EC


950 EUR, €950 incl. tax. A partial scholarship and payment in increments are possible in certain cases. 50 % off for online

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