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Business & Entrepreneurship

Startup Weekend


29 June - 01 July 2012


Summer School Almere


Summer School Almere






0.0 EC


60 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Startup Weekend


No Talk, All Action. Launch a startup in 54 hours

Startup Weekend is a global network of passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and launch startups. Startup Weekend recruits a highly motivated group of developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists and more to a 54 hour event that builds communities, companies and projects.

What actually happens at an event?

About 1/3 of your communities brightest will have 90 seconds to present ideas for new startup ventures, we then crowd source the favorites and form teams around those ideas. Teams are between 4-10 people, and consist of about 50% technical people and 50% non-technical. You then spend the entire weekend getting advice from professional mentors, and building a proof of concept, demo, or sometimes even a finished product. Most ideas are web & tech focused, but almost any new business needs a web, marketing, and business strategy regardless if it is tech centric.

Course leader

Mr. Juriaan Louman

Target group

Anyone who considers themselves an entrepreneur or wants to be one. The primary demographic is working professionals between 25- 45 of age.

About 50% have a technical background – Developers / Designers / CTOs / Computer Science

About 50% have a non-technical background – Business / Marketing / Lawyers / Investors / VCs/ Social Media

Course aim

Co-Founder Dating – Come find other like-minded people. This is probably the most valuable type of networking you could ever do if you want to start a business.

Education – Spend a weekend with some of your communities brightest and most creative minds. Learn a new programming language, what MVP stands for, how to build an actual strategy, get feedback, and actually create & test something rather than just theorizing.
Learn How to Launch – This is the epitome of Lean Startup Methodology at its finest. Go from idea to launch. You have 54 hours to figure out everything from the mission, your target market, go-to market strategies, to giving a full presentation of a hopefully working prototype and validation (or non-validation) of concept to your peers. Actually Launch a Business – Over 36% of the Startup Weekend Startups are still alive after 3 months. Sometimes a company emerges, sometimes one doesn´t. Over 10% of companies go on to produce revenue or get seed funding, but every time people leave with more experience, insight, knowledge, friends, and resources than they came with. Food – 5 meals and drinks are provided during the weekend, including plenty of caffeine. We understand the importance of keeping teams together, and helping them be productive.

Fee info


60 EUR, Course fee and materials only.


75 EUR, Accommodation fee Almere for the weekend



29 June - 01 July 2012


Summer School Almere


Summer School Almere


0.0 EC

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