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Political Science

Summer School at the International School of Protocol & Diplomacy


06 July - 09 July 2015


ISPD Summer School


The International School of Protocol and Diplomacy






0.0 EC


1275 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Summer School at the International School of Protocol & Diplomacy


The Summer School is a four-day course specifically designed for those who wish to be introduced to or expand on their knowledge in the fields of protocol and diplomacy. This year’s edition of the Summer School will introduce you to the basics of protocol and then will focus on the United Nations, its system and protocol. We will also visit the European Parliament in order to learn more about the European Union and its function. The programme also includes lectures on the negotiations and cross-cultural awareness. Furthermore, this course will be a perfect base for those who intend to continue on to a year-long programme such as our Postgraduate Certificate or Master’s Degree.


Basic Rules of Protocol
Diplomatic Protocol
Protocol at the Table
Visit to the European Parliament
The United Nations System
Protocol in the United Nations
Negotiations at the United Nations
High-Level Events Organisation
Introduction to Negotiation Skills
Cultural Identity
The media and revolutionary dynamics: Egypt from Husni Mubarak to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Values and Culture

Among our lecturers for this course:

H.E. Luis Ritto, Former EU Ambassador to the Holy See, the Order of Malta and FAO
H.E. Jacques de Baenst, Ambassador of H.M. the King of the Belgians, Former Chief of Protocol of the European Commission
Alice Hecht, Former Chief of Protocol of the United Nations
Dr. Jean Philippe Challandes, Specialist of the Nation and State building process, PhD in Political History from the University of Brasilia; Teaches soft skills in business schools and facilitates Personal & Leadership Development Workshops
Maher Hamoud, Member of MENA Research Group at the Ghent University and former Editor-in-Chief of The Daily News Egypt
Firas Hebili, Expert in arabic culture, teacher and cultural animator
Frans Schram, Expert in diplomatic skills with over 7 years of experience in training negotiation techniques, cross- cultural communication, mediation skills, debating , political reporting and teamwork

Target group

Protocol Staff

Embassy Personnel

Civil Servants

Business Representatives

Public Officials

Students in International Relations, Communications & Public Relations



Hospitality and Customer Service Managers

Fee info


1275 EUR, The course fee is 1275 EUR.



06 July - 09 July 2015


ISPD Summer School


The International School of Protocol and Diplomacy


0.0 EC

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