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Political Science

Summer School on EU Policy Making


30 June - 11 July 2025


Brussels School of Governance


Brussels School of Governance


Brussels, Vienna


Austria, Belgium




5.0 EC


1900 EUR

Summer School on EU Policy Making


2025 Summer School theme: Analysing civil rights in today's EU

The intensive two-week Jean Monnet Summer School on EU Policy Making, taught on campus, is held one week in Brussels and one week in Vienna from Monday 30 June to Friday 11 July 2025. This Summer School allows students to explore both the old and the new centre of diplomacy in Europe. The Brussels School of Governance joins forces with the Diplomatische Akademie Wien — Vienna School of International Studies to bring you this 'crash course' in European Union Policy Making. The focus area of the Summer School, which will be civil rights, touching on policy discussions related to human security, migration, anti-discrimination, diversity.

Packed with interactive seminars and study visits, this summer programme attracts students and young professionals who wish to broaden their knowledge of the European institutions, European law and the European decision-making process in general. The first week of the summer school takes place in Brussels and reviews the main EU institutions and decision-making procedures. During the second week students learn more about EU foreign relations, while enjoying the beautiful city of Vienna.

The Summer School corresponds to 5 ECTS. It is also part of the Postgraduate Certificate in EU Policy Making. This certificate is equivalent to 25 ECTS credits and provides an even better insight in the different EU policy areas.

The Brussels School of Governance is an alliance between the Institute for European Studies (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Vesalius College. This Summer School is a programme that is organised by the Institute for European Studies (VUB), a Jean Monnet Chair.

Target group

Intensive 5 ECTS programme
Inter-university summer school: week 1 in Brussels, week 2 in Vienna
Perfect for students and professionals
Includes in-depth study visits to prime international institutions
Organised as part of a Jean Monnet Chair on the doorstep of the main EU institutions
Broadens your expertise on the functioning of the EU, its intricate decision-making process and the roles of various actors involved
Provides insider knowledge on the focus area of civil rights in today’s EU
Creates close connections with other students and professors, a network that will help boost your career

Fee info


1900 EUR, The tuition fee for the Summer School is 1900 EUR. This fee includes: course material, access to online platform, daily breakfast in Brussels, daily lunch in Brussels and Vienna, flight from Brussels to Vienna on the Sunday at the end of the first week of the summer school, and study visits. The tuition fee does not include: accommodation, daily breakfast in Vienna, evening meals, flights to Brussels and from Vienna.



30 June - 11 July 2025


Brussels School of Governance


Brussels School of Governance




5.0 EC

More about Winter School on EU Policy Making

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