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Environmental Studies

Sustainable Food Supply


16 September - 28 September 2019


Climate-KIC Catapult PhD Autumn School




Budapest, Valencia






0.0 EC


800 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Sustainable Food Supply


Turn your research into practice with our two-week PhD Autumn school on Sustainable Land Use. Sustainable food value chain has economic, environmental and social impacts contribute stability and security to all stakeholders by creating jobs and stable incomes for farmers, limiting waste and negative impact on climate and provide healthy, nutrient rich food to society. Through real life case studies, you can explore the connections in the short supply chain, identify barriers and find solutions to overcome these barriers. Come and join our programme to learn and apply different tools for system innovation, to engage with stakeholders, meet with experts and work in a multidisciplinary environment.

Course leader

Autumn school is organised in cooperation with Pannon Pro Innovations and University of Valencia partner organization of Climate-KIC

Target group

PhD students and young professionals

Course aim

Our Autumn school offers a learning-by-experiencing approach to tackle real-life challenges. Providing a broad range of in-depth theoretical knowledge, hands-on cases to apply the learning, inter-disciplinary thinking and cooperation, you will be able to boost your skills through the autumn in Budapest and Valencia.

The Autumn school is designed with the following central learning objectives inspired by the general Climate-KIC Autumn school concept:

• To equip participants with the knowledge of transformative, socio-technical innovation using a systems approach to deliver knowledge
• To exchange ideas between students and experts and to develop new project ideas for innovation in the industry
• To provide practice oriented tools that will enrich the student’s individual projects (e.g. backcasting methodology)
• To enable PhD students to link their individual research projects to real life problems and innovation activities.

It is a unique opportunity for you:

• To combine theory with practice in the field of business model analysis in the short supply chains.
• To develop innovation strategies and ideas for stakeholder cooperation.
• To meet, discuss and question key business leaders and policy-makers.
• To get in touch with people from all over the world and to work in interdisciplinary teams.

Fee info


800 EUR, The fee of the programme includes: • Accommodation (in double rooms) • Breakfast and lunch, approx. two dinners per week • Local Transportation Participants need to cover the travel costs to Budapest and from Valencia themselves.



16 September - 28 September 2019


Climate-KIC Catapult PhD Autumn School






0.0 EC

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