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Natural Sciences

Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics


02 August - 13 August 2021


Frankfurt Summer School


Goethe University


Frankfurt am Main






4.0 EC


500 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics


In case that an on-campus Summer School is not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this module will take place online.

Symmetry is an important concept in modern physics. It is at the heart of the fundamental forces of Nature, allows to discover connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and provides an ordering principle to classify experimental observations. The mathematical tool to describe symmetries is group theory.

In this module, we introduce the group-theoretical methods that are frequently used in the framework of quantum mechanics and particle physics, and discuss pertaining applications. After an introductory discussion of the quantum-mechanical realization of energy, momentum, and angular-momentum conservation, we develop the basic notions of group theory and study Lie groups, their properties, and respective representations. As the most important example for applications in particle physics, we introduce the Lie group of special unitary transformations and discuss its relevance for the theory of the strong interaction. Finally, as a second example of wide-reaching importance, we investigate the properties of the Poincaré group, which is the Lie group of symmetries of Minkowski space-time.

The course comprises 28 contact hours (8*3.5 hours). Upon successful completion, 4 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points will be awarded for the module. A single ECTS point is defined as the equivalent of 25 to 30 hours of student workload. This includes class hours, additional preparations for class activities, readings, assignments as well as final assessments. Assessment and award of credit points will be on a pass/fail basis, no grades will be given.

Attendance: Participants have to attend at least 80 % of the classes.

Course leader

Prof. Dr. Dirk H. Rischke Florian Divotgey

Target group

Students of mathematics and the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) with introductory knowledge of Quantum Mechanics. Should be familiar with the Schrödinger equation, the concept of operators and commutation relations and standard methods of calculus.

Course aim

Learn about group-theoretical methods that are frequently used in the framework of quantum mechanics and particle physics

Develop the basic notions of group theory and study Lie groups

Study Lie group of special unitary transformations and discuss its relevance for the theory of the strong interaction

Investigate the properties of the Poincaré group, which is the Lie group of symmetries of Minkowski space-time

Fee info


500 EUR, Includes all study materials and transcript of records.



02 August - 13 August 2021


Frankfurt Summer School


Goethe University




4.0 EC

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