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Political Science

The EU: a time of decision


04 July - 22 July 2016


Sciences Po Lille Summer School


Sciences Po Lille








6.0 EC


2000 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
The EU: a time of decision


Do you feel to visit the European Institutions and study at the same time this summer? Welcome to Sciences Po Lille Summer School !!

• Course : Rethinking the European Union
Rethinking the European Union takes an in-depth look at the state of the European Union in the 2010s, in the wake of the Eurozone crisis. Following an overview of the origins of the current crisis, this module aims to discuss its consequences and broad effects on the European Union critically. It characterises the European Union as a polity-in-the-making, investigating how far integration has advanced in a number of areas. In the light of the current crisis, it discusses the challenges to the traditional pillars of EU integration – identity, legitimacy and solidarity – in turn questioning the sustainability of the present model of regional integration.

• Course: From conflict prevention to consequence management of future Climate change crises.

This course will be structured by a series of sessions dealing with a great variety of themes which present the instruments used by the EU as a civilian power. The first sessions will be organised around the issues of conflict prevention and conflict mediation (the Balkans, Africa and the Middle East), looking at the emergence of State, non-state and transnational actors and entities from a historical perspective (starting after the end of the Cold War). One session will mainly analyse the complex issue of civil-military relations at the European level.
The second part of the course (4 hours) will allow students to take part in a "Model Congress" simulation based on a scenario dealing with the management capabilities of the EU facing a complex climate change crisis involving the civil as well as military actors and institutions presented during the first part of the course.

• Course : The EU between stability and solidarity
The aim of this course is to present academic workings on the European public sphere, the European Union’s legitimacy crisis, Eurozone crisis, transnational solidarity and the potential narrative turn in EU discourse adapted to the current challenges the EU faces.

• Course: Cooperation and Competition in the E.U. Questioning the single market and fiscal federalism.
Abstract: "The E.U. has been built with the objective to set up a single market and to strengthen the ties between the member states. Although the history of its institutions provides a unique example of cooperation between sovereign states, competition constitutes the DNA of the relationships of the economic agents in this area. This conjunction of competition and cooperation within the EU questions the relevance of federalism in this integrated economic territory. The international tax system provides an interesting field for studying this dialectic."

• Course : The EU migration and asylum policies
The lecture discusses the size, features, types and trends of migration in Europe, from post-war immigration patterns to Western Europe, to “new” immigration trends in Southern Europe and to the challenges of immigration for Central and Eastern European Countries. It covers the development of EU competences over time in the two fields of migration and asylum. The lectures also provide an analysis of the processes of spillover and communitarisation of the Schengen and Dublin systems, and the recent developments in EU immigration policy. Furthermore, we will discuss the Europeanisation of member states’ policies in the field of migration and asylum, and the relationship between the EU migration & asylum policies and the EU enlargement process. It discusses the agencification process and the creation of Frontex and EASO.
The course discusses the linkages between the EU migration & asylum policy and its external relations. It analyses the EU “comprehensive approach” to migration, and the role of the European Neighbourhood Policy, including Mobility Partnerships, as well as of the EU trade and development policies, and the role of the EU within the system of global governance of migration. And finally, the 2014-2015 crisis and the EU Migration & asylum policy at a crossroad

Course: What do we know about the values of the Europeans today?
The European Union is a very complex political structure unifying a large range of cultures, from the North to the South, from the West to the East. Few citizens are sharing exclusively a European identity, even though European citizens enjoy largely the benefits of the Union (common currency, freedom of movement, peace…). The diversity of such a large union justifies the various studies held on social and political values of the European citizens. What do we learn from those studies? Is it possible to synthesize this information and to draw a specific knowledge?
The course offering is tentative and subject to change.

Course leader

The EU a time of decision: Crisis, exit, identity, migration… EU monetary, economic and social questions can no longer be denied, the migrant crisis leads to a (re)consideration of European identity and values. Furthermore, the issue of climate change en

Target group

Sciences Po’s Summer School is open to International students from around the world, students from Partner Universities and Sciences Po Lille students.

Eligible for the Summer School :
Student Currently enrolled in an accredited college/university
• 1. Undergraduate : mandatory “European Affairs background”
• 2. Postgraduate : GPA 2.5 or above
• 3. Selection of partner’s University
Science Po Lille partner universities’ International Offices are asked to nominate their students via email from February 15 to April 4, 2016.

Course aim

The program will be an opportunity for students to attend courses dealing with institutional, economical as well as diplomatic issues/questions. International academics will propose modules (taught in English) covering a large range of current EU challenges.
Courses consist of classroom sessions held on each weekday except on the field trip to Brussels on July 14, 2016. Local cultural visits, various social events will be offered to the students as well as conferences, a visit of Lille, a study trip to Brussels and the EU institutions.
Classes are held from Monday 4 to Friday 22 July 2016 inclusive with morning (core module) and afternoon (option) sessions. Participants may choose between two courses of specialty. Mornings will be dedicated to EU affairs orientated and the afternoons will be dedicated to Diplomacy or Political Economy orientated.

Fee info


2000 EUR, Tuition fees include : • Conferences • Optional French language and culture course • Application fee • Field trips on July 4 and 14 • Breakfast in the mornings • Closing dinner Don’t include : • Health insurance • Field trip to Paris • Airplane ticket • Living expenses and meals • Caution in Youth Hostel • Personal expenses



04 July - 22 July 2016


Sciences Po Lille Summer School


Sciences Po Lille




6.0 EC

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