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Business & Entrepreneurship

The European Union in a Global World (EUGW)


29 June - 26 July 2014


Berlin International Summer School of Economics and Law


Berlin School of Economics and Law






9.0 EC


1650 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
The European Union in a Global World (EUGW)


This business program is a unique blend of business, politics, language and culture, offering business and economics students alike the chance to undertake a demanding, in-depth study of Germany and the European Union. Students will spend four weeks of interdisciplinary study on
- Economic Focus: The EU - a dynamic player in international trade and institutions
- Business Focus: Global challenges for European firms
- Environmental Focus: Global warming - the implications of the environment for EU businesses and governments
- Social Focus: Human costs of global markets - the European perspective

Field trips to companies and institutions once a week enhance the understanding of the topics. The program is complemented by a German language & culture course at beginner's level.

Course leader

Prof. Dr. Axel Hellmann Prof. Dr. José Magone Prof. Dr. Danyel Reiche Prof. Andreas Polk

Target group

Advanced undergraduate business and economics majors/minors (after two years of study) or graduates with good standing.
Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL ibt 90 or equivalent) is required.

Course aim

Students gain insights into the conditions under which European firms operate in a globalised world. They can assess the interrelationships with macroeconomic processes and understand further implications for the natural environment and human living conditions. They understand the variety of answers given by different academic disciplines and the different members of faculty. Students are aware of the types of conflict between global actors and develop deeper knowledge about their causes and possible solutions. Students return to their home universities with further insights into the international environment, in which e.g. U.S. firms and government operate.

Fee info


1650 EUR, Tuition and application fees, accommodation with breakfast, health, accident and liability insurance, excursions, German language & culture course, and most parts of the culture and leisure time program.



29 June - 26 July 2014


Berlin International Summer School of Economics and Law


Berlin School of Economics and Law


9.0 EC

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