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Social Sciences

The Use (and Abuse) of Culture


27 June - 26 July 2025


Linköping University Summer Academy


Linköping University








7.5 EC

The Use (and Abuse) of Culture


Culture is everywhere, although it comes in different guises. In many contemporary conflicts culture serves as both the weapon and what’s at stake. For example, in their critique of Islamist terrorism, right-wing extremists across Europe and North America argue that ‘western’ culture is both what is under threat and what should be used to defeat the ‘enemy’. In more general terms, culture can be understood as the larger systems of meaning that are created and maintained by individuals, groups and public institutions. The course “Use (and Abuse) of Culture” is an introduction to cultural analysis, providing critical perspectives on these systems and how they function in an increasingly complex social and political landscape.

The concept of culture is also closely connected to notions of knowledge and truth. The course discusses what knowledge is, and how it is produced, circulated and consumed. Individuals as well as organisations and institutions are all producers of information and disinformation, but are there any differences regarding their claims to truth? This question has recently led to a proliferation of terms such as “post-truth”, “alternative facts” and “fake news”. Knowledge (and culture) can be used and abused, and it is also increasingly viewed as a commodity — as something that can be bought and sold. The course ties this changing role of culture and knowledge to what is often labelled the post-industrial society, describing a societal development that has transitioned from traditional industries to a growing creative industries sector.

The course offers a combination of lectures, seminars and field trips to museums and local sites that in different ways illustrate the use and abuse of culture in contemporary society.

Course leader

Mansi Kashatria

Target group

The course is given within the framework of the Linköping University Summer Academy and is only open to students from Linköping University's partner universities. The course is on bachelor level and is offered in English.

To meet the general entry requirements, students must have completed one year of full-time studies upon application (passed 60 ECTS credits or equivalent) and be nominated by one of LiU’s partner universities.

Course aim

After completion of the course the student should be able to:

- account for different theoretical conceptions of culture

- problematize contemporary conditions and challenges for the production of knowledge

- discuss how individuals, groups, and/or public institutions use (and abuse) culture and thereby negotiate larger systems of meanings



27 June - 26 July 2025


Linköping University Summer Academy


Linköping University




7.5 EC

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