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Film & Theatre & Performing Arts, Creative Arts and Design

Theatre for Social & Ecological Change


19 August - 23 August 2025


Berlin Summer University of the Arts


Berlin University of the Arts








1 EC


580 EUR

Theatre for Social & Ecological Change


Discover how the tools of theatre and activism in art can be used to enact change. Together, we will investigate theories of change making through art and begin working on your own activist performance for the physical & digital realm.

All change begins with a utopian thought. In this multidisciplinary performance workshop we will bring together tools from artivism and theatre to explore ideas of how we can disrupt capitalist, patriarchal & racist structures, especially in light of fascist ideologies gaining new momentum all over the world. How can we use our creative forces to drive change, subvert, and engage audiences outside of traditional theatre conventions? And with the arts facing ever increasing budget cuts, how do we find new stages to tell our stories and build networks of support to sustain and empower one another? In times of crises, allowing ourselves to play, dream and experiment seems like a radical thought. We will reconnect with creativity and humour through bridging theory and practice, analyzing case studies of successful political movements that started in theatre whilst immediately applying our findings to creative exercises. Through playful exchange we will explore hands-on tools to start your own artivism performance, yielding either a number of performance pieces or one ensemble performance. The workshop will culminate in a mini-festival where participants can share their work-in-progress pieces. We will explore public spaces to use as our stage, bringing change & transformation into the public and digital realm. The course is co-delivered by artists Karoline Gable & Isabell Schnalle, who bring together their theatre and artivism practice modeling this multi-disciplinary approach. The workshop also features a guest lecture and interactive Q&A with Keil Troisi from the internationally recognised and long established activist artist group The Yes Men.

Course leader

Karoline Gable and Isabell Schnalle

Target group

None required other than a desire to engage with ideas of change in an artistic context. This course is suitable for Artists from all disciplines as well as Economists, people working in fashion/textile, performers, musicians, and people working in politics, journalism and activism. This workshop is an exchange between theory and praxis and is based on knowledge and skills exchange.

Fee info


580 EUR



19 August - 23 August 2025


Berlin Summer University of the Arts


Berlin University of the Arts




1 EC

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