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Political Science

Transnational Islam and Challenges of Being Muslim Ummah


29 July - 04 August 2019


International Ilem Summer School


Scientific Studies Association (ILEM)








0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Transnational Islam and Challenges of Being Muslim Ummah


The International ILEM Summer School (IISS), which addresses major themes and issues of the Islamic World in every year. The 6th IISS will occur in the Summer of 2019 and its major theme is “Transnational Islam and Challenges of Being Muslim Ummah” The intellectual and political imagination of classical and contemporary Islamic thought has played an important role in the creation and continuation of the Muslim Ummah, and its complex relationship to the “Other” throughout history. Aiming to make Muslims united, this mission enables the transnational understandings and identities of Islam(s) / Muslim(s) with new projections and also makes it compulsory to produce new policies. In this summer school, the ideal of being an Ummah, and the challenges faced by this ideal in the light of contemporary developments, will be discussed with special emphases on Theoretical Frameworks, Contemporary Debates and Future Projections.

Topics of Interest Include the Following:
• Transnational Networks in the Islamic World
• Transnational Organizations and Agencies in the Islamic World
• Culture, Translation and Reception in the Islamic World
• Transnational and Global Histories of Modern Islamic Thought
• Transnational Intellectual Mobilities and Networks of Muslim Scholars
• Transnational Muslim Politics
• The Historical Process of Idealization of Being an Ummah
• Sociological and Political Dimensions of the Muslim Ummah
• Theoretical and Philosophical Debates on the Muslim Ummah
• Redefining the concept of Ummah
• Re-Conceptualizing Boundaries of the Muslim World
• Globalization, Localization and Islam
• Nationalism, Sectarianism, and Secularism in the Muslim World
• Muslim Communities in Non-Muslim Countries
• Muslim and Non-Muslim Minorities in the Muslim World
• Islam, Politics and Law in the Western Countries

Important Dates

Deadline for Proposal (3-4 pages) Submission: 10 May 2019

Notification of Proposal Acceptance: 20 May 2019

Submission Deadline for the Final Version of Proceeding Papers: 20 June 2019

Notification of Final Paper Acceptance: 1 July 2019

Announcement of Summer School Program: 10 July 2019

Summer School Dates: 29 July 2019 - 04 August 2019


Target group

We invite philosophy, law, theology, political science, history, sociology, etc. graduate students and fresh scholars to participate and present papers.



29 July - 04 August 2019


International Ilem Summer School


Scientific Studies Association (ILEM)




0.0 EC

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