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Using EUROMOD in Cross Country Microsimulation


20 November - 22 November 2019




KU Leuven




United Kingdom




0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Using EUROMOD in Cross Country Microsimulation


The course will cover the basics of tax-benefit microsimulation, the logic and structure behind EUROMOD, working with EUROMODā€™s user interface, input data, EUROMOD ā€˜languageā€™ and using existing documentation. The bulk of the course is dedicated to teaching EUROMOD functions which form the building blocks of the EUROMOD ā€˜languageā€™. The course combines lectures with live demonstrations of the model. Participants also have the opportunity to carry out a number of hands-on exercises to test and refine their understanding of the model. The last half day of the course is devoted to presentations by participants and/or illustrating more advanced uses of the model.

At the end of the course, participants are expected to have a good understanding of how EUROMOD works and to be capable of using EUROMOD for their own purposes.

Exercises are carried out using participantsā€™ private computers. Participants will be provided with a free copy of the latest public release of the model to be installed on their own personal computer.

Important: Please note that due to data access restrictions, the course will be using a synthetic data set. No access to data on real households can be granted on the basis of taking part in the course. We advise participants wanting to start using EUROMOD after the course with micro-datasets for any of the EU countries to follow the instructions here as soon as possible.

This can be done in advance of the course.

Participants currently using EUROMOD or intending to make use of EUROMOD in the near future are encouraged to prepare a brief (10 minute) presentation of their project.

Course leader

Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) University of Essex

Target group

Requirements for attending the winter school are:
ā€¢an interest in using microsimulation for policy analysis;
ā€¢a basic knowledge of quantitative analysis;
ā€¢familiarity with Stata is desirable but not essential.

Candidates to this school are expected to fill in the application form before 2 September 2019, including a motivation for attending the school.

Important: This event is generally oversubscribed. Applicants should therefore make a detailed case for using EUROMOD in their motivation statement and include any supporting information they consider relevant. Attendees at previous training courses will not be prioritised. If we receive several applications from one institution we are likely to limit places to a maximum of two colleagues (and possibly only one if we are heavily oversubscribed).

Candidates should also indicate whether they plan to give a brief presentation about a project in which they (plan to) use EUROMOD.

Applications will be evaluated by ISER and selected based on their motivation for attending the course. All candidates will be informed whether their applications have been accepted by 17 September 2019.

Participation in the school is free of charge and potential participants may receive a partial reimbursement of travel and subsistence costs.

Course aim

The aim of the course is to provide academics, policy practitioners and other interested users with an introduction to the concepts, structure and functioning of EUROMOD. EUROMOD is a state-of-the-art tax-benefit microsimulation model linking micro-data from household surveys and policy legislation in a single user interface. It allows for complex policy impact analysis, such as evaluations of policy reforms in terms of poverty, inequality, work incentives and government budgets, assessments of EU-wide policies or estimation of the impact of changing population characteristics on the redistributive effect of existing policies. EUROMOD covers all 28 EU Member States.



20 November - 22 November 2019




KU Leuven




0.0 EC

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