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Computer Sciences

Videogames and storytelling


14 July - 01 August 2025


UAB Barcelona Summer School


Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona








6 EC


930 EUR

Videogames and storytelling


Welcome to Storytelling and Videogames, a course that not only will explain how a story works, but also will help students to analyze and dissect fiction from all over the media.
To understand how to create stories, we’ll see and, yes, also play, lots of stories and different narratives. Starting with literature and ending with recent examples of videogames, we’ll travel through the story of storytelling. Once we start understanding how a story works with its structure, devices and narrative it’s time for us to start creating stories of our own.
Storytelling has evolved at the speed of light, and, as we say in Spanish, “literature walked so cinema could run”. Focusing on how words were the first way of telling stories, we’ll jump to how images and sound build on narrative to end up analyzing how playing adds a new layer on telling and making us experience the story.

Course leader

Paul Lluis Gumiel, PhD

Target group

Even though the course includes videogames in its title, students with no experience in videogames are welcome to enroll. The examples and videogames included in the course are not the usual Fortnite, Call of Duty or FIFA, but games that excel in storytelling and narrative by breaking the conceptions of what we think is a videogame.

Course aim

There are two main goals on this course.
First, be ready to be changed and see fiction as you’ve never seen it before. Through projection and discussion of examples, you’ll see how films and TV shows tell us stories and make their narrative as effective and surprising as possible. Also, to see and experience videogames with critical thinking, understanding tricks used in game design and narrative.
Second, using the projections and discussions, create your own original ideas and plots. We will use different creative exercises to warm up until you can start working on your first script drafts.

Fee info


930 EUR, Tuition payments for international and national students (NON-UAB) made before May 15 will receive a 20% discount.



14 July - 01 August 2025


UAB Barcelona Summer School


Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona




6 EC

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