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Cultural Studies

Vienna Summer School on Digital Humanities


06 July - 10 July 2015


Vienna Summer School on Digital Humanities


Vienna University of Technology






3.0 EC


80 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Vienna Summer School on Digital Humanities


Traditional research in the social sciences and humanities is challenged by the emergence of new methods and tools that allow us to gain and compute more knowledge integrating various data sources. At the same time, our human experiences and our ways of learning and knowing are increasingly mediated by technology. More data than ever before are produced, captured and archived by scientists and citizens alike, and can be accessed and analyzed online.

This Summer School aims to discuss the possibilities of computer science-based research methods in the Digital Humanities while at the same time investigating the epistemological challenges of these methods as well as their theoretical bases and implications. The Vienna Summer School on Digital Humanities will offer participants hands-on experience with tools and techniques, covering the following topics:

- Introduction to Digital Humanities and its methodological challenges;
- Text mining with a focus on (a) news and (micro-)blogs mining and (b) opinion mining, sentiment analysis, and beyond;
- Critical engagement with (especially online) data;
- Theories of human-technology interaction – user tracking / digital traces / data bodies / quantified self and their implications for data collection, analysis and communication of results;
- Social network analysis;
- Information visualization and visual analytics.

Course leader

A high-ranking international faculty with a variety of disciplinary and methodological backgrounds will present these topics: Bettina Berendt (KU Leuven, Belgium), Sema Colpan (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society, Austria), Noshir Contracto

Target group

We invite dedicated PhD studentsfrom the humanities and the social sciences with with an interest in digital humanities. to submit applications.

Course aim

To provide students with insight and expertise in the field of digital humanities.

Fee info


80 EUR, Course + course materials + coffee breaks and lunches.



06 July - 10 July 2015


Vienna Summer School on Digital Humanities


Vienna University of Technology


3.0 EC

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