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Literature & Social Sciences

Visual Ethnography in Social Sciences


05 July - 19 July 2025


VU Amsterdam Summer School


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam








1360 EUR

Early Bird deadline 14 March 2025
Visual Ethnography in Social Sciences
Top course
Visual Ethnography in Social Sciences


This course offers a theoretical and practical program in which we explore how the making of
documentaries can enrich ethnographic research within a variety of social science disciplines.

The genre of ethnographic filmmaking is central to the course, but additionally we will discuss
the use of photography, arts-based engagement ethnography, and participatory action
research. We will dive into the various ways of visualizing people, behaviour, and societies.
The course provides a basic introduction to the history of visual ethnography and its broad
usage across different disciplines. Additionally, there will be discussions about issues of visual
ethnographic research ethics and reflexivity. There will also be the possibility for students to
discuss how visual ethnography can be integrated in their own research.
This visual ethnography course will provide interesting literature suggestions combined with
lectures, guest lectures, interactive working groups and group assignments. To get an idea of
what visual ethnography entails, we will watch ethnographic films followed by reflection and
discussion. Two assignments will be conducted in groups of three students and are graded
with a pass/fail. Through these assignments, the students will get acquainted with the
practice of collecting visual data, montage of an ethnographic scene, and reflection on ethical
and reflexive issues. The final assignments consist of a short ethnographic film based upon a
short qualitative research and an accompanying short essay. It is important students already
have some basic skills in conducting in-depth interviews, observation, and/or ethnographic
fieldwork. For assignments, essay and final ethnographic film students can choose a topic of
their own interest. The final film is made in a group and has to be done on the days there are
no lectures or working groups.

Course leader

Dr. Lianne Cremers, Cato Janssen and Megan van der Vorst

Target group

Master's and PhD students interested in visual ethnography as a discipline. The course is especially useful for those interested in using visual ethnography within their own research. The course is assessed at master's level.

Course aim

During this course, students will:
• Receive an introduction to the history and theory of visual ethnography within social
science research;
• learn about different visual research methodologies that can be embedded within
ethnographic research across disciplines;
• Gain an understanding of the advantages and limitations of visual ethnography;
• Learn how to screen, analyse and discuss ethnographic films;
• Collect visual data and learn the basics to make an ethnographic film;
• Enhance their critical thinking of reflexive and ethical dilemmas around visual
ethnographic research;
• Discuss how visual ethnography can be used within their own research.

Fee info


1360 EUR, Regular

Students, PhD candidates and employees of VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC or an Aurora Network Partner €765 Students and PhD candidates at partner universities of VU Amsterdam €1035 Students and PhD candidates at non-partner universities of VU Amsterdam €1140 Professionals €1360



05 July - 19 July 2025


VU Amsterdam Summer School


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam



Early Bird deadline 14 March 2025 Register for this course

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