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Performing Arts, Creative Arts and Design

VR Sketching from Zero to Hero


25 April - 25 September 2022


Italian Design School


Italian Design School








0.0 EC


1200 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
VR Sketching from Zero to Hero


Batu Gündal teaches how to design a product in 3d VR Sketching with Gravity Sketch®.

Intensive course 100% VR

5 x 1 hour online lessons (5 days)

Minimum attendance of 3 students.

Course leader

Batu Gündal, an Expressionist painter at heart, has been using an extensive variety of different artistic mediums for the past 15+ years, both in his personal and professional work.

Target group

Dedicated to Industrial and Product Designers who want to familiarise themselves with Gravity Sketch, the new software for 3d sketching.

Oculus VR headset.
Free space (working area) between 4m2 -6m2
Basic knowledge of sketching and drawing.
Basic knowledge of Programs similar to Photoshop, Illustrator, Affinity Design, Rhino, 3d Max will be beneficial but not essential 
Basic understanding of 3D objects.
Basic knowledge of materials and techniques. 
A passion for making and experimenting.
Attitude for learning by doing.

Course aim

This Course is aimed at introducing VR oriented design. While familiarising with the space and understanding the advantages it introduces into art and design. Starting from basic setup and ending by creating our first VR designed product. This course is a perfect hands on guide to learn basic design principles the VR environment.

Day 1: Introduction / Getting oriented in virtual reality

A general introduction to the course and learning how to set up and use our VR head set to ensure a flexible environment for creativity while staying safe.

Day 2: Setup & learning Basic tools (Gravity Sketch).

Introduction to Gravity Sketch, going through setting up our environment (canvas) and familiarising ourselves with the basic tools and functions. 

Day 3: Creating simple objects and using brushes.

Learning how to create simple objects and how to manipulate and transform them. Discovering the different uses of brushes and how to use them correctly to create our first sketch for our final design. 

Day 4: Colours & textures. 

How to use colour in our designs, the importance it has on perception and how to add texture to planes and objects.

Day 5: Creating your first Object.

We will be creating a simple object starting from sketch following through to a 3D model. Putting our learnt skills to the test, and finally wrapping up with a virtual Q&A.

Fee info


1200 EUR, What's included: Oculus Quest® 2 VR headset. Assistance and booking management with qualified English speaker. Certificate of attendance.



25 April - 25 September 2022


Italian Design School


Italian Design School




0.0 EC

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