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Environmental Studies & Political Science

Water Politics and Governance


20 July - 27 July 2025


VU Amsterdam Summer School


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam








1035 EUR

Early Bird deadline 14 March 2025
Water Politics and Governance
Top course
Water Politics and Governance


Water is central for ecosystems, human wellbeing and development. The relationship between society and water resources is critical and complex. Water issues have been historically treated as a technical problem, something to be resolved through hydraulic and engineering solutions. However, the increasing and exacerbating competition over water resources due to expanding global population, climate change and conflicting production activities raises new political and democratic challenges. Understanding water governance implies developing interdisciplinary knowledge about the different problems, approaches, perspectives and controversies related to how societies cooperate and compete over water resources.

The main objective of this course is for you to build an expert understanding of the multidimensional challenges of governance of water resources. Collectively as a class, and individually, you will develop expertise in the water governance world by engaging with the core scientific literature, discussing, and tackling real world problems and independent research activities. By the end of the course, you will have gained an understanding of the complexity of water governance: the various models of governance, its structures and institutions at multiple scales, the different values and uses of water, and the main frames and debates from multiple perspectives.

Course leader

Jampel Dell'Angelo

Target group

Master and Phd Students, as well as practitioners from water sector, water facilities, NGOs, international organizations, administrative entities, political organizations and social movements. The course is assessed at master's level.

Course aim

By the end of this course you will:
▪ Describe various principles and theories for water governance and management.
▪ Apply these to analyze different water policy and governance interventions, by analyzing them from diverse and diverging perspectives.
▪ Formulate your own analysis and suggestions regarding water-governance interventions on multiple scales: local, national and international.
▪ Synthesize and communicate your water governance expertise.

Fee info


1035 EUR, Regular

Students, PhD candidates and employees of VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC or an Aurora Network Partner €545 Students and PhD candidates at partner universities of VU Amsterdam €705 Students and PhD candidates at non-partner universities of VU Amsterdam €815 Professionals €1035



20 July - 27 July 2025


VU Amsterdam Summer School


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam



Early Bird deadline 14 March 2025 Register for this course

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