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What Roman Law Teaches Us: Modern Problems, Ancient Ideas


17 July - 28 July 2023


Pázmány Law Summer School


Pázmány Péter Catholic University








0.0 EC


100 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
What Roman Law Teaches Us: Modern Problems, Ancient Ideas


Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christianity are traditionally at the very heart of European legal culture. The values and the heritage of our common European culture have come under fierce criticism and therefore been constantly facing considerable challenges since the beginning of the 16th century. These challenges arise both from within and outside Europe.

In the course of this Summer School, we are aiming to discuss certain crucial, and consequently controversial issues of law and society in the broader transnational context. Namely, the history of Roman law is also a history of how to transfer values to countries and communities outside Europe. From this aspect, the American, African, South-Asians and Caribbean experiences of Roman law reception are worth considering. One particularly noteworthy experience pertains to the adaptation of the aforesaid values to a conventionally secular context. Within the international and intercultural context, a closer look at dire social issues may also be of particular interest. Such issues include the analysis of slavery and its contemporary iteration, dependent labour relations, or the investigation of gender issues from a historical perspective.
a) Methodological approach: a phenomenological glance at the sources of ancient law. Excursus on Hans Kelsen. Many students have been familiarised with Hans Kelsen’s name and work during the first term of their studies without any actual opportunity to fully grasp his ideas. Introducing students to a Roman concept of law could present a consistent approach to law and also enrich their view on this topic, helping them access modern concepts of law.
b) Overview of the history of ideas in Europe and an introduction to the transfer of the same to other cultures within the realm of colonial experience (Kenya and Aruba).
c) Ancient Rome maintained extensive trade relations with Africa and the Far East during the 1st century AD, therefore, elements of Roman law aiming to govern trade relations may be of interest to contemporary African and other students as well.
d) The experience of family in a transcultural framework.
e) Slavery, dependent work, and poverty from a historical and contemporary point of view.

em. Univ. Prof. Jeroen CHORUS (NL)
Univ. Prof. Viola HEUTGER (NL, DE)
Univ. Prof. Nadja El Beheiri (HU)
Univ. Prof. Elisabeth Herrmann-Otto (DE)
Univ. Prof. Cecil Agungu (EAK)
Assoc. Prof. János Erdődy (HU)
Prof. Charles J. Reid (USA)
Students successfully completing the program will be awarded a diploma issued by the Law Faculty of the Pazmany Peter Catholic University. It is up to the decision of the students’ host institution whether they acknowledge this diploma with credits.

Fee info


100 EUR, partner university students


400 EUR, non-partner university students



17 July - 28 July 2023


Pázmány Law Summer School


Pázmány Péter Catholic University




0.0 EC

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