Baucina, Italy

Monte Falcone Archaeology Field School 2019

when 5 August 2019 - 31 August 2019
language English
duration 4 weeks
credits 6 EC
fee EUR 3

The NECROPOLIS of Monte Falcone is located 40km south-east of Palermo and about a mile away from the town of Baucina (PA). Archaeological excavations carried out in 1991 by the Soprintendenza of Palermo (regional archaeology department) brought to light a Sican settlement (a local indigenous population) dated to the Archaic and Classical age, 6th- 5th century BC. It consists of two hills connected by a plateau with steep sides where the necropolis is. It mainly consists of rock cut tombs, with multiple burials but there are also single burials in kalypteres and enchytrismòs inhumations within large terracotta jars. Many burials had already been looted before the archaeological investigation started years ago. As a matter of fact, the aim of this excavation is to save the burials from looting, still ongoing. It is a site located on the borders where Sicans, Greeks and Phoenicians met, sharing their lifestyles and beliefs.
Lately, the University of Palermo has been excavating the site bringing to light several burials and setting up the small but beautiful archaeological museum in Baucina.
You will experience the thrill of digging a necropolis, of opening burials that have been closed for over two thousand years. You will be part of a team that will dig, record and classify the grave goods. You will have the opportunity to improve your digging skills and learn how to draw pottery and upload all the evidence on an archaeological database for further studies. The pottery you will encounter will be mainly Sican/Elymian ware and imported and locally produced Greek and Phoenician pottery. Training in GPS, GIS and CAD on site as well in lab.
The directors of the excavation are Prof. Oscar Belvedere and Aurelio Burgio, University of Palermo, while Andrea Masi is responsible for the Field School.
To apply please click on our link below or for further information please send an e-mail to object Monte Falcone 2019.

Course leader

Andrea Masi

Target group

Students in archaeology, undergraduates and graduates.

Course aim

Improve digging skills, learn about Sicilian archgaeology, how to draw pottery, record artifacts, team building.

Credits info

6 EC
University of Palermo

Fee info

EUR 3: Fee includes : Tuition, Food and Accomodation, Insurance on site, Safety work boots and gloves, Educational trips to archaeological sites such as Selinus, Mothia and Solus.