Liverpool, United Kingdom

Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Business Ethics

when 10 June 2024 - 28 June 2024
language English
duration 3 weeks
credits 5 EC

This module will provide students with a critical introduction to the behaviour of organisations and businesses in society. Students will be introduced to the role of organisations with their wider stakeholder environment, with a particular focus on understanding the reasons behind legal and voluntary decisions, and other issues linked to corporate social responsibility.

This module is designed to give an understanding of core issues in current management practice, guided and illustrated by relevant theory, with time for discussion and reflection, using case studies as stimulus for debate.

Course leader

Matt Mitchell

Course aim

To introduce students to the understanding the concept of corporate social responsibility from various theoretical perspectives, with a focus on corporate governance, ethical leadership and organisational strategy.

To highlight the importance of the role of ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility within contemporary society and how this links to organisational decision making.

To understand the current ethical challenges facing managers and employees in organisations today, and the corresponding issues for stakeholders.

To develop skills in research, collaborative learning, critical thinking and communicating academic ideas using relevant theory and appropriate case study materials.

Credits info

5 EC
Credits are equivalent to 2.5 ECTS

Fee info

GBP 0: Module must be taken as part of a Week 1-3 or Week 1-6 International Summer School programme, so no individual module prices are available.