Budapest, Hungary

Fighting Disinformation

when 23 July 2023 - 30 July 2023
language English
duration 1 week
credits 3 EC
fee EUR 470

The course is held by black-belt journos and leading academics of the field from Budapest. The faculty of the course has been awarded by a grant from the European Union in 2021 to develop a fact checking project and a disinformation debunking site. Participants can learn from young journalists about the nuts and bolts of professsional expertise, skills, mindsets and technologies behind fact checking and follow the theoretical courses of the university team to contextualize contemporary contested media phenomena in currents developments of media studies. The course covers professional and legal basics of the digital ecosystem of truth telling, and provides a detailed analysis of textual ramifications of telling truth or lies, let them be images, sounds or written texts.

Course leader

ELTE Institute for the Theory of Art and Media Studies

Target group

There are no special requirements. Students are expected to bring a laptop to the course.

Course aim

Learn the basics of practice and theory behind fake news debunking.

Credits info

3 EC
Our course offers ECTS points, which may be accepted for credit transfer by the participants' home universities.

Fee info

EUR 470: The course fee includes tuition fee, accommodation (student residence halls with shared rooms 2-3/ room), meals (breakfast and lunch/day), local transport and the cost of the leisure time programs.


Early bird registration until the 10th of February (380 EUR),