Aarhus, Denmark

Beyond Financial Statements: Narrative Reporting on Value Creation

when 22 July 2024 - 9 August 2024
language English
duration 3 weeks
credits 10 EC
fee EUR 705

The growing attention devoted to the sustainability of a firm’s business model and to social and environmental impacts of a company’s operations has led to the establishment of teams and committees devoted to communication about sustainability and value creation by sveral organizations. Working in those roles requires interdisciplinary competences and basic knowledge of the aims, features and structure of narrative reporting in order to develop adequate non-financial communication practices. Offering basic-to-intermediate understanding of narrative reporting, the course integrates traditional financial accounting classes, which focus on financial accounting standards and financial statement analysis. The course also complements corporate communications classes and courses about strategy, value creation, and sustainable development by illustrating how those issues can be represented in companies’ reports. Hence, the course could be useful for students in the field of accounting and for students in the fields of management and communication.

Course leader

Lorenzo Simoni

Target group

Master's Level

Fee info

EUR 705: EU/EEA citizens
EUR 1750: NON EU/EEA citizens


No scholarships available