Brno, Czech Republic

Language, Culture and Mind

when 14 July 2024 - 27 July 2024
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 4 EC
fee EUR 1200

Language. One of the most important tools of mankind. Master the science of it and explore cognitive linguistics with a cultural focus and practical applications. In this course, you will delve into selected chapters that trace the evolution of cognitive linguistics and gain insights into the current state-of-the-art.

Target group

This course is targeted for bachelor, master and PhD students interested in language and culture. The curriculum requires no specific previous knowledge. Students should be interested in language and culture.

Course aim

Learn how to apply the theoretical framework to analyze language in real-world contexts. Engage in discussions divided into two parts: theory presentation and analysis of linguistic data, but also be a bit of a lone wolf and develop an independent project to apply cognitive linguistic concepts.

During two weeks in Brno, you will participate in group work, oral presentations, and conclude the course with a mini written project proposal. But most importantly, you will acquire skills to uncover hidden conceptual and cultural patterns in language using a cognitive linguistic approach and apply theory effectively.

Fee info

EUR 1200: Cost: The cost of this program is €1200, with a €100 discount for students from partner universities. The cost breakdowns as follows:

- Tuition fees

- Accommodation in Brno (14-27 July)

- Breakfast

- Orientation

- Daily cultural and social activities including welcome and farewell receptions

- Day trip to Vienna

- 24/7 support

Students should budget an additional €200-500 depending on their spending habits for food (lunch, dinner) and other expenses.
EUR 1100: partner university discount