Prague, Czech Republic

Education: The Future of School

when 29 June 2024 - 6 July 2024
language English
duration 1 week
fee EUR 890

In educational circles, some question the relevance of current approaches. When the internet offers information at the click of a mouse, what’s the point of education and pedagogy? Under the pressure of maintaining high performance, education has been reduced to securing tested skills as an end in itself. Education is no longer for the purpose of developing a vision of ourselves and of the society we would like to live in.

To redress the balance a bit, this Summer School proposes a vision of education capable of promoting young people’s distinctive powers of thought and action, a platform for a robust exchange of views on some of the biggest issues (e.g. How to effectively help those most vulnerable.) facing our world at a time when it is desperately needed.

The sessions will enable students to learn key concepts and issues surrounding the educational topics and give them a broad and international perspective on education.

The Summer School builds upon robust continental European intellectual traditions of encouraging young people to espouse ideas and embrace their role as public intellectuals.

Course leader

Dana Moree, PhD: Academic director of the Summer School

Target group

Students of either undergraduate or graduate degrees or recent graduates.

Course aim

The Summer School will address the issues of effective teaching and mediating knowledge in the current world. We will investigate what is the role of the teacher starting from the early days to the lifelong learning processes; it will explore the new trends in teaching and look into their effectiveness. We will also examine how other social agents – parents, tutors and peers – (may) contribute to the education process.

The program will therefore enable students to learn key concepts and discuss critical issues surrounding the field, eventually providing them with a broad, international perspective on current discussion on education.

Credits info

Many students participating in our program counted our summer schools towards their degrees, usually receiving 3-4 ECTS.  If you wish to receive credits for attending a summer school, you need to negotiate the amount of credits with your university. We can provide those who are interested with a confirmation of completion of the program.

Fee info

EUR 890: TThe program Early Bird fee is 840 EUR (Deadline February 10, 2023)
The program fee is 890 EUR (Final Deadline May 1, 2023)

The fee includes:

Tuition and reading materials;
Student’s handbook;
Maps and public transports tickets;
Accommodation for one week and two meals per day (breakfast and dinner, plus coffee breaks);
Site visits and cultural and special events.

Students are responsible for their own travel costs, lunches and other personal expenses.


There are currently no scholarships offered by the SCHOLA EMPIRICA NGO. Accepted students may ask the organizers for documents they need to support their own scholarship application(s) from their universities, NGO or government sources.