Tallinn, Estonia


when 18 July 2022 - 29 July 2022
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 2 EC
fee EUR 290

The ImprovEnglish course is designed to give students with an existing knowledge of English a deep grounding in practical speaking that can be used in social and professional situations. The strength of the course is its use of improvisation and theatre techniques which aims students to be more self-confident and fluent in the English language.

Language is often taught as a science whereas it is more appropriate to approach it as an art form. One can communicate the same information in a multitude of different ways using langauge and all of them can be correct.

Communication is the reason we learn foreign languages. If a language student has no desire or confidence to speak then communication will be extremely difficult and progress will be slow and stunted. With more focus on speaking and listening with live reactions, there will be quicker retention of language rules, realisation of word order and increased vocabulary.

ImprovEnglish uses practical exercises such as Improtheater based on Keith Johnstones theatersport, group problem solving, language exploration activities and creative games that ensure that there is the maximum potential for language retention, improvement and enjoyment. There will be no specific grammar taught, no chairs, tables or overhead projectors. No chalk, whiteboards or hand raising to answer questions.

Course leader

The course is led by Dan Renwick. Dan is an Australian born circus, theatre and language trainer. With an extensive improvisational theatre background and being awarded ‘Most exciting circus talent 2001’, he has loads of experience to draw from.

Target group

Anyone interested in the English language. The participant should have an intermediate knowledge of English.

Course aim

The course will be practical, increase your spontaneity, fluency and self-confidence. The course will provide an environment where you can create, learn, fail, improve all while enjoying the English language, free from the classic classroom science style learning environment.

Fee info

EUR 290: Early-bird fee until 31 March 2022. Accommodation and meals are not included in the price.
EUR 340: Regular fee after 31 March 2022. Accommodation and meals are not included in the price.