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Medical School

3D Printing in Pharmaceutics


14 July - 27 July 2024


Masaryk University


Masaryk University




Czech Republic




3.0 EC


1200 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
3D Printing in Pharmaceutics
Top course
3D Printing in Pharmaceutics


The technique of the future, 3D printing, is gaining attention not only in the engineering industry but also in the field of pharmacy. This two-week course introduces students to different types of 3D printing technologies, such as FDM, SLA, or SSE, and their possible usage in pharmacy, specifically in the preparation of drug dosage forms. The Faculty of Pharmacy at Masaryk University works with multiple types of 3D printers, enabling you to learn about various 3D printing methods used in pharmaceuticals. Ultimately, students will have a comprehensive knowledge basis to select and use the printing method suitable for their aim.

Theoretical lessons will be followed by practical seminars, where students will test their new skills on the 3D printers, design and make drug dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, and orodispersible films, or even bring their innovative drug dosage form ideas to life.

This programme is designed as a part of our Intensive 2 Week Summer School, where multiple courses from a wide variety of Masaryk University study programmes and departments will be offered. These courses will be arranged in an intensive and dynamic form, each working day there will be an academic session. In the afternoon and evenings students come together from across disciplines to enjoy everything Brno has to offer!

In addition to the academics, daily cultural and social programming will be offered, including the option of a one-day excursion to Vienna.

Course leader

Jan Elbl, Jan Gajdziok, Dagmar Blaháčková

Target group

Bachelor, master and PhD students. The course is structured as an introductory overview of selected 3D printing methods for students/postgrads who aim to use this technology to prepare drug dosage forms.

Course aim

Topics included:

Possible applications of 3D printing in pharmaceutics

Basic principles of 3D printing, workflow, input data and software preparation

SSE printing of drug dosage forms

SLA printing of drug dosage forms

FDM printing of drug dosage forms

Inkjet printing of pharmaceuticals

FDM and SLA printing hacks for easier and efficient lab life

Program changes reserved.

Fee info


1200 EUR, The cost breakdowns as follows: - Tuition fees - Accommodation in Brno (14-27 July) - Breakfast - Orientation - Daily cultural and social activities including welcome and farewell receptions - Day trip to Vienna - 24/7 support Students should budget an additional €200-500 depending on their spending habits for food (lunch, dinner) and other expenses.


1100 EUR, 100EUR discount for students from partner universities.



14 July - 27 July 2024


Masaryk University


Masaryk University




3.0 EC

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