London, United Kingdom

Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice

when 15 July 2024 - 2 August 2024
language English
duration 3 weeks
credits 7.5 EC
fee GBP 2585

This module covers: the new business lifecycle (selecting and testing a moneymaking idea, preparing a business plan, raising finance, the Exit), aspects of new business operation (registering a company, setting up your office, understanding financial statements), and exploiting new eCommerce tools and techniques (doing business electronically, company web sites, online business software and services). Invention and innovation – finding and qualifying new opportunities. Business Model Generation.

Course leader

Sotiria Kalpachtsi

Target group

This is a level one module (equivalent to first year undergraduate). No prior subject knowledge is required for this module, but students are expected to have a keen interest in entrepreneurship and the creation of new business ventures.

Course aim

Upon successful completion of this module, students will:

have gained first-hand experience of the selection and deployment of tools, techniques and theories for the identification, validation and structuring of a new business venture
understand strategies to confirm customer needs and test market demand
be able to define and test critical business model uncertainties
understand key principles that underpin financial forecasting.

Credits info

7.5 EC
7.5 ECTS / 4 US / 15 UCL

Fee info

GBP 2585: Students joining us for six weeks (two modules) will receive a tuition fee discount.