Paris, France

Producing a Documentary in Paris

when 15 July 2019 - 26 July 2019
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 6 EC
fee EUR 1850

Over the course of the 2 weeks, students will create and write a storyboard around the theme 'Paris', they will then learn the fundamentals of filming techniques, before working outside of the classroom in order to film their video-clip. Once filming is done, they will participate, with the help of professionals, in editing the document before organizing a viewing for members of EFAP staff.

The course starts with a few theoretical lessons but students spend a lot of time in the field.

Course leader

Karine Gautier:
Laetitia Roqueton :

Target group

International students who wish to learn audiovisual technics while producing a video on Paris in English.

Course aim

Grasp filming techniques.
Create storyboards.
Produce a professional video clip based on Paris.

Credits info

6 EC
Students can transfert 3 US credits or 6 ECTS during the 2 week-program.
Students can transfert 6 US credits or 12 ECTS during the 4 week-program.

Fee info

EUR 1850: Tuition fee for 2-week program is 1000 euros.
Tuition fee for 4-week program is 1850 euros
EUR 600: Fee 2 is optional for housing in student residence (double room): Housing : 600 euros for two weeks or 1200 for four weeks


If available, published in May